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Gov. Newsom should invest in clean transportation. It will make California healthier

Clean Transportation, by DAVID ILIFF, found on,_Melbourne_-_Jan_2008.jpg

by Bill Magavern, CalMatters Highlights: Governor Gavin Newsom should cut diesel pollution as fast as possible Even though California is leading the nation in the advancement of clean transportation technologies, cars account for the largest greenhouse gas emissions Solutions to the California emissions problem include: deployment of more EVs, more pedestrian and bike paths in … Read more

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The water protection industry employs more people than coal or steel. Trump is changing that.

Oak Creek, Corvallis OR, by Maddie Maffia

by Nick Mott, NPR Highlights: An estimated half of wetlands across the country and 18% of streams will not have federal protection with the new rollback of water regulation The wetland mitigation industry fears their jobs could be lost due to these new environmental rollbacks  Many wetlands have been restored with the help of “mitigation … Read more

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Nordic steel giant to use renewable hydrogen to produce fossil-free steel by 2026

Steel production factory by knollzw found on

by Michael Mazengarb, Renew Economy Highlights: Swedish Steel is working towards using renewable hydrogen to decarbonize their industrial steel process by 2026 A shift to renewable hydrogen could reduce Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions up to 7% and Sweden’s emissions up to 10% Steel manufacturing is one of the world’s largest consumers of fossil fuels, and … Read more

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Most of 11m trees planted in Turkish project ‘may be dead’

Director General from Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkey Hanifi Avci and Estonian ambassador Märt Volmer planting trees, found on

by Sami Kent, The Guardian Highlights: 90% of the tree saplings planted during November 2019 in the northern Anatolian city of Çorum have died due to an insufficient amount of water  The Turkish ministry revoked the claim by stating more than 95% are healthy and growing, though many critics doubt this claim Mass tree-plantings have … Read more

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The Climate Center Lauds Governor Newsom’s Energy Vision: Proposes Details on How to Implement Vision

Santa Rosa, CA – The Climate Center lauds Governor Newsom for the high-level vision articulated in his energy, climate and wildfire speech earlier today before the Public Policy Institute of California. “Kudos to Governor Newsom for articulating a compelling vision for a clean, decentralized, reliable, safe and affordable future electricity system in California,” said Ellie Cohen, … Read more

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Green Deal law to make EU’s energy shift irreversible

by Ewa Krukowska, Bloomberg, January 28, 2020 Highlights The European Union is drafting a measure, titled the Green Deal, to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions entirely by 2050 in hopes to become the world’s first carbon neutral continent.  The EU wants to make their new climate law irreversible  The Green Deal is meant to keep Europe … Read more

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IEEFA update: Bankruptcies multiply for fracking sector

Aerial view of fracking wells.

by Kathy Hipple, IEEFA, January 28, 2020 Highlights Forty-two companies within the United States that have fracking based portfolios filed for bankruptcy in 2019: In total, the aggregate debt of these companies was $26 billion The fracking sector struggled due to overproduction, gas and oil prices, and increasing debt throughout the past 5 years Moody’s … Read more

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Tropical forests losing ability to absorb CO2, study says

by Daisy Dunne, Carbon Brief, January 27, 2020 Highlights Tropical forests are losing their ability to capture carbon dioxide from the air due to deforestation.  The boreal forests found in cool temperature, high mountain ranges are sequestering more CO2 than tropical forests due to the rise of the CO2 Fertilization Effect Roughly 30% of all … Read more

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Spain declares a national climate emergency

by John Bowden, Bloomberg, January 21, 2020 Highlights Spain has declared a climate emergency and intends to write legislation to be sent to parliament in the next 100 days.  The European Union Parliament declared a climate emergency in November and Spain is following their lead by setting a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 Spain is … Read more