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Tangier Island and Island Earth

I was about ten or eleven years old in the early 1970s when I visited Tangier Island in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay with my family. It left quite an impression. We walked the neighborhood streets, visited the crab, oyster, clam and fishing docks, and stopped in to a few shops before finding a … Read more

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Exit fee: Hot topic at 3rd annual Community Choice Association meeting

Read on to see how you can help Last week I attended the 3rd annual meeting of the California Community Choice Association (CalCCA). With nineteen operational agencies now serving California, well over 200 people were in attendance. There were two major themes this year: The first was the rapid acceleration of Community Choice Energy in … Read more

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ECO2school youth get ready to lead on climate – from the bike saddle, the podium, and the classroom

A sentiment often repeated about climate change is nobody is doing anything about it. While the reality of the world’s lackluster ability to make climate change a priority is real, it is not the full story. People are working on a daily basis on the “wicked problem,” like the staff here at The Climate Center, … Read more

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Small actions make a difference: ECO2school’s 2017-2018 annual report

ECO2school students biking to school.

“How do we know we are making a difference?” Students often ask us this question after ECO2school events on their school campuses. It’s a fair inquiry. We encourage all of our students to think critically about how their actions impact themselves, their communities, and the planet. Students often cite full parking lots, long lines of … Read more

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Welcome to Susan Bryer-Shelton, the Center’s new Energy Program Coordinator

Susan's first day on the job with fellow solar advocates

Hi! My name is Susan Bryer-Shelton and I’m delighted to have joined The Climate Center as its Energy Program Coordinator. I’ll be managing the Solar Sonoma County and Business for Clean Energy programs, both of which shine brightly as important collaborations with our local business community. I’m already in awe of the amazing entrepreneurs, installers, … Read more

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CPUC releases proposed decision on Community Choice exit fees

On August 1st the California Public Utilities Commission issued the long-awaited Proposed Decision* on the “exit fees” that Community Choice customers are charged for power that was purchased by private utilities on their behalf before they left (exited) to become Community Choice agency (CCA) customers. This is a pass-through charge because these fees are charged … Read more