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The psychology of Coronavirus vs. climate change: Why we mobilize for one, not the other

by Patty Wetli, WTTW Chicago Highlights The human response to Coronavirus is more urgent because it is considered an “immediate” issue, as opposed to the climate crisis, which appears to many to be a distant threat Behavioral economist Katherine Milkman explains that our inaction on climate change and our collective mobilization on the Coronavirus is … Read more

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What would it take to get more farmers fighting climate change?

by Tom Philpott, Grist Highlights Maine Democrat Chellie Pingree introduced the Agriculture Resilience Act which aims to maximize carbon sequestration on farm and grazing lands. The act aims to establish a national goal of net-zero greenhouse emissions from agriculture by no later than 2040, add more funding to food and agriculture research, maximize carbon capture … Read more

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Oil and real estate groups are dishing out money on California Democrats. Here’s where

by Hannah Wiley, Sacramento Bee Highlights The oil and real estate industry is contributing to fund campaigns for moderate Democrats in California in order to establish connections and favors in Sacramento. Examples include: Money is given through independent expenditure committees since businesses cannot coordinate directly with the candidates  In the Central Valley, an expenditure committee … Read more

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Breathing polluted air shortens people’s lives by an average of 3 years, a new study finds

by Neela Banerjee, Inside Climate News Highlights Air pollution, mainly from burning fossil fuels, reduces life expectancy worldwide by an average of 2.9 years and has led to 8.8 million premature deaths according to a new study in Cardiovascular Research. In North America, lives were shortened by 1.4 years on average due to air pollution. … Read more

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Uber and Lyft are convenient, competitive and highly carbon intensive

by Phil Mckenna, Inside Climate News Highlights Popular ride-hailing services are emitting 69% more carbon dioxide compared to other modes of transportation according to a new study by the Union of Concerned Scientists. Most emissions are the result of deadheading, the act of driving around in between ride pickups, which account for 42% of miles … Read more

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Op-ed: California has a long way to go on climate policy

California State Capitol by Andre m

By Jacques Leslie, Los Angeles Times Highlights California’s cap-and-trade program alone won’t be sufficient to reach the state’s goals, including its mandate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030. Energy Innovation, a San Francisco think tank, spent more than two years developing a computer model called an Energy Policy Simulator to … Read more

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Agriculture Resilience Act offers California farmers climate change solutions


by CalCAN Highlights The Agriculture Resilience Act (H.R. 5861) addresses the role of agriculture in combating climate change with a comprehensive suite of practical, science-based, farmer-driven policy solutions The bill sets out a national goal for the agricultural sector of net-zero emissions by no later than 2040, as well as strategies to achieve it by … Read more

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Report warns climate change could become ‘catastrophic’ global, national security threat

by Rebecca Klar, The Hill Highlights In a report released by the National Security, Military and Intelligence Panel of the Center of Climate and Security, a nonpartisan security policy institute, national security and intelligence experts warn that climate change could become a “catastrophic” threat to security and recommended quick action to be taken to mitigate … Read more

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How to deliver speed and scale greenhouse gas reductions

climate activists

by Ann Hancock, Chief Strategist and Co-founder, The Climate Center Imagine that we tackle the climate crisis in a way that actually turns things around fast. Averting climate disaster depends on the climate movement becoming much more powerful and effective, and this depends on climate advocates and leaders aligning and collaborating around an overarching strategy. … Read more

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Brace for the deluge: Special interests are spending millions to get the California legislators they want

California State Capitol by Andre m

By Ben Christopher, Cal Matters Highlights: With primary elections coming up in California, deep-pocketed interest groups, including the fossil fuel industry, are pumping money into campaigns to secure a say in state lawmaking. California’s primary is happening earlier than usual and many residents are casting their ballots early Independent expenditure committees are allowed to spend … Read more