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Notch another win (mostly) for Community Choice Energy

CPUC adopts a favorably amended resolution, initially a big problem for emerging Community Choice agencies Clean energy advocates, local government elected officials, and Community Choice agencies (CCAs) scored a partial victory at a voting meeting of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in San Francisco on February 8th. Inundated by “thousands of emails” according to … Read more

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Action Alert: Community Choice Energy being challenged again!

Community Choice Energy becomes stronger with each attack by its opponents and we are counting on you to make this true once again with this latest assault – this time, by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). On December 8th, the CPUC issued a Draft Resolution that oversteps its authority and if passed, will impose substantial burdens … Read more

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Webinar: The 2018 Legislative Session, a Community Choice Energy View

Please join us for our next webinar: The California Legislative Outlook 2018: A Community Choice Energy View on Jan 24, 2018, Noon to 1pm. REGISTER HERE This webinar will focus on challenges and opportunities emerging as we approach the 2018 legislative session in Sacramento. We are expecting a dynamic legislative session with many bills having … Read more

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Presenting “State of solar energy in Sonoma County: Paths to accelerate adoption” a new Center white paper

“A confluence of technological and policy forces is dramatically transforming the way energy is generated, managed, delivered, and used.” So begins one of the recent studies commissioned by Sonoma Clean Power and produced by The Climate Center “State of Solar Energy in Sonoma County: Paths to Accelerate Adoption.” The study, lead-authored by energy expert Chris … Read more

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New report examines consequences of private utility over-purchasing of power for customers as Community Choice grows

A new report by The Climate Center examines the over procurement of power by private utilities in the context of the growth of Community Choice Energy in California. The report is authored by energy policy analyst June Brashares and Tyler Bonson, a graduate of Sonoma State’s Energy Management and Design and in Economics. The rise of … Read more

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Center releases report on Community Choice and the economic impact of buying local renewable power

The Climate Center is pleased to present this report about potential local economic benefits from Community Choice Energy (CCE) in the San Joaquin Valley. It builds on our previous work in analyzing economic impacts of CCE in the City of San Jose in “Community Choice Energy: What is the Economic Impact? San Jose, California Case … Read more

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The Business of Local Energy Symposium – A Smashing Success

Last Friday, May 5, about 400 people including elected officials and energy professionals gathered in Long Beach for The Climate Center’s third annual Business of Local Energy symposium. Deputy Director Barry Vesser was the symposium’s architect. Co-organizers were the Local Government Commission and the Local Government Sustainability and Energy Coalition. Attendees heard 56 speakers and … Read more

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The Climate Center partners with MCE and others for building efficiency optimization project

California Energy Commission “Local Government Challenge Grant” project receives highest score in its category On April 11th the Center received news that it had been awarded, along with its Project partners, $1.7M in funding for a project that will help the state achieve its greenhouse gas reduction goals and that aims to develop a replicable model … Read more

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Symposium in Long Beach will advance Community Choice Energy for people and climate

by Barry Vesser, The Climate Center The Climate Center along with our partners at the Local Government Commission and the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition offer our third Business of Clean Energy Symposium at the Hyatt Regency in Long Beach on May 5th, 2017.   The Symposium will once again convene government, business, and community leaders to accelerate California’s shift … Read more