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Three Days, Three Neighbors, Three New Leafs

Patrick Picard

For Richard Senghas and Tina Poles, “Standing Rock was the last straw.”  Buying a Nissan Leaf through the Sonoma Clean Power Drive EverGreen program is “taking their next significant step towards weaning ourselves off fossil fuels,” Richard posted on Facebook.  Since they are EverGreen customers, he points out that the energy for the car is … Read more

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Trump Consideration of Tillerson

President-elect Donald Trump is expected to choose ExxonMobil chief Rex Tillerson to be secretary of State, according to MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. This is very disturbing when we think about what it means for climate protection, as well as Trump’s personal interests.  Exxon has numerous partnerships with Rosneft, Russia’s state-owned oil company, and has lost more than … Read more

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Climate Leadership Forum

October 12 and 13 the Bay Area Air Quality Management District focused on innovation at the Climate Forward Leadership Forum. It was an opportunity for Bay Area leaders to come together and have a robust and positive exchange about how to to reduce climate impacts and stimulate economic development and growth. It sparked climate conversation in … Read more

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Donald Trump’s interview with the New York Times offers hope on climate

In an interview with the New York Times on Tuesday, Donald trump provided some hope to climate protection advocates: “On climate change, Mr. Trump refused to repeat his promise to abandon the international climate accord reached last year in Paris, saying, “I’m looking at it very closely.” Despite the recent appointment to his transition team … Read more

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California civic leaders champion climate change

While the national stage is looking rather bleak, in California there’s plenty to be grateful for when it comes to climate protection champions in public service. Governor Jerry Brown has been leading climate protection efforts for several years.  In September of 2016, he signed SB 32, which requires California to slash greenhouse gas emissions to 40% … Read more

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We help drive the clean energy economy forward

The Climate Center (CCP) developed the Business for Clean Energy (BCE) program six years ago because we believe that business drives innovation and can play a crucial role in helping to address the climate crisis. The BCE program provides a network and resources to support our members in incorporating sustainability into their businesses and keeping … Read more

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We aim to put solar on every roof

By Geoffrey Smith, Solar Energy Program Coordinator Solar Sonoma County (SSC), a program of The Climate Center, has the information you need to go solar now. This fall we held our first Solar House Party. It went very well. On a recent Saturday morning in Santa Rosa’s Junior College neighborhood, our party host welcomed friends … Read more