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Two reasons to trust Community Choice agencies – they are not monopolies and they are local

In November, private utility Southern California Edison (SCE) published a document titled “The Clean Power and Electrification Pathway.” It is essentially SCE’s integrated blueprint for California to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution via electrification of everything. The utility envisions seven million electric cars on the road, thirty percent of heating systems in homes … Read more

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Center’s Youth Advisory Board shares climate solutions

We are still riding the wave of enthusiasm generated by the students at this year’s Green Teen Gathering. Environmentally-conscious student leaders have doubled down on their efforts to bring awareness to the climate crises in the wake of the worst wildfires in the history of California. We are so very blessed to be working with … Read more

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Meal, heal, and change

As an organization committed to inspiring students to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it is particularly saddening to comprehend the links between climate change and the California fires. With the fires still burning throughout Northern California, we are trying to make sense of what are being called the most deadly and destructive wildfires in California history. … Read more

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Earth to Congress: Who will lead on climate?

After suffering this year from the quadruple blow of Harvey-Irma-Jose-Maria, record breaking temperatures in California and Arizona, and fires that ravaged more than 8 million acres in the West, including the shocking new megafire phenomenon that Northern California just endured, it is high time for full scale climate leadership. By this I mean far more … Read more

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Let’s ride! 10 tips to ride your bike to school

A new school year has begun and it is the perfect time to make a new habit. Riding your bike to school is a great way to exercise, save money, clear your mind, reduce your carbon footprint, make new friends, and see your town from a fresh perspective. Sometimes getting started can be overwhelming, but … Read more

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Breaking the climate silence in the age of mega-hurricanes

“Terrible.” “Seismic. “An experience out of this world.” “Catastrophic.” “Like a movie I never want to see.” These are the words and phrases used by inhabitants of Caribbean islands as Hurricane Irma tore through the region last week. By this time, Irma had already broken the record for strongest sustained winds, howling at 185mph for … Read more

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Review: An Inconvenient Sequel – missed opportunities

If you haven’t seen the film “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” then by all means go see it. A decade after “An Inconvenient Truth”  Al Gore and directors Jon Shenk, Bonni Cohen remind us of what we are up against with climate change, and what has changed in ten years and what has not. If … Read more