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World Economic Forum makes sustainable aviation fuel available for first time

Plane View Over Mountain Range

by Alyssa Danigelis, Environmental Leader, January 20, 2020 Highlights: The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland is providing sustainable aviation fuel for its arriving business jets Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) has an 80% smaller carbon footprint compared to normal aviation fuel The use of the SAF is meant to demonstrate that the fuel is available, … Read more

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Europeans, Chinese, Americans to fly less in 2020 to fight climate change

by Jan Strupczewski, Reuters, January 14, 2020 Highlights: A survey by the European Investment Bank (EIB), reveals that most Chinese, European, and U.S. citizens strive to limit their holiday aircraft emissions. “In the poll, 36% of Europeans said they already flew less for holidays to help prevent climate change and 75% intended to do so … Read more

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‘Bleak’ U.N. Report on a Planet in Peril Looms Over New Climate Talks

Deeper and faster cuts are now required Global greenhouse gas emissions have grown by 1.5 percent every year over the last decade. To stay within relatively safe limits, emissions must decline sharply, by 7.6 percent every year, between 2020 and 2030. Even if every country fulfills its current pledges under the Paris Agreement — and … Read more

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Debate rages over California cap-and-trade deal, concessions to Big Oil

Thanks to you who contacted your legislators about SB 775. This remarkable bill would have overhauled California’s cap and trade system in a very favorable way. SB 775 got lost when the Governor’s bill emerged. Here’s Mercury News’ take on what happened. After the dust settles we’ll send you our view of the Governor’s bill. … Read more

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Is 100% renewable energy doable?

With the publication of a study by Mark Z. Jacobson of Stanford University, the push for 100% renewables is seeing renewed fervor.  A group of U.S. Mayors just announced that they will back 100% renewable energy targets, and Senator Kevin de León recently introduced a new bill, SB100, to establish an overall state target of 100% clean … Read more

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Is the Exxon-backed Climate Leadership Council’s proposal worth the cost?

Activists Dump 1000 Lbs of Coal Waste at EPA Headquarters | by Rainforest Action Network

The below article by Ellen R. Wald of Forbes presents an interesting question about what we can hope for from the oil industry-backed Climate Leadership Council. Is the trade of carbon dividends worth the cost of regulatory rollbacks?  The Climate Leadership Council’s devious plan to distract American carbon consumers Today, June 20, the new Climate … Read more

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Exxon dissident shareholders push climate action, company facing climate fraud charges

Exxon Mobile’s dissident investors have introduced seven more resolutions asking the company to address climate change and its risks, in contradiction to former chief Rex Tillerson’s vehement opposition to such motions. The resolutions ask Exxon to add a board member with environmental expertise; disclose funding of lobbyists and organizations dedicated to influencing climate policy; and … Read more

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Coal Costs Us In So Many Ways

April 8, 2015 by Barry Vesser  You might have heard about about the massive spill at a Duke Energy facility into the Dan River in North Carolina last year. A storm water pipe ruptured allowing coal ash contained in ponds to flow into the river. Duke estimated that between 30,000 and 39,000 tons of ash, … Read more