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We aim to put solar on every roof

By Geoffrey Smith, Solar Energy Program Coordinator Solar Sonoma County (SSC), a program of The Climate Center, has the information you need to go solar now. This fall we held our first Solar House Party. It went very well. On a recent Saturday morning in Santa Rosa’s Junior College neighborhood, our party host welcomed friends … Read more

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Transform grief and outrage, but how?

Are you feeling grief, outrage, or both? Please join us and use these feelings as fuel to create something powerful and positive. How? One word: Solutions. Let’s spread clean energy solutions that create jobs, stabilize energy prices, and offer an alternative model that gives power to the people. The Climate Center has solutions that do just this. Please … Read more

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Community Choice Energy is a powerful rapidly spreading movement

As 2016 draws to a close, Community Choice Energy has spread to 26 out of 58 counties and over 300 cities in California as either operational, on track for launch of service, or at some stage of evaluation. Community Choice Energy has clearly become a powerful and rapidly spreading movement. The Climate Center began advocating … Read more

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Month of unprecedented global cooperation on climate change

October has been a remarkable month for global cooperation on climate change mitigation.  Three landmark agreements illustrate a new willingness to work together to tackle the problem. October 5th: Paris Agreement reached threshold to take effect November 4th October 6th: New accord to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from aviation established October 15th: Deal to phase out … Read more

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Election day: 13 days until we keep going

The election is just 13 days away and climate protection has barely been a topic on the national stage.  This year has been the hottest ever recorded, and yet we continue to pour carbon into the atmosphere because the price of fossil fuels do not reflect their true costs – yet. Four times in the last month, the … Read more

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American climate attitudes, global response, and what works

The Climate Center (CCP) has operated for years on the premise that local control of energy resources is key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. This is specifically because of the uncertainty of action at the federal level as the political tables turn at election times. CCP has coupled this tactic with a … Read more

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Cost of Solar is Low Enough!

The cost of putting solar on your home rooftop has never been so low! These low costs are a result of ‘soft cost’ reductions and ongoing developments in industry efficiencies. This is great news for prospective solar buyers, as well as overall reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. By working with me as your Clean Energy Advocate, we can take … Read more