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Wyoming lawmakers propose renewables ban, new study touts renewables standards

While Wyoming Republican lawmakers try to ban the purchase of renewable energy by utilities, it is clear that state renewable energy mandates are producing great economic benefits. A recent study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab shows benefits outweighing costs for renewable energy portfolio standards – by more than 200 percent. State renewable portfolio standards (RPS) … Read more

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Energy intensity down, U.S. economy up, and stranded assets as oil demand drops

With the incoming administration, I expect to hear the same arguments pitting energy conservation against the economy, followed by a call to build more pipelines and drill. Next time you hear that argument, you can share this graph. Between 1980 and 2011 the economy expanded by 230% from $6.5 trillion to 15.2 trillion (in inflation-adjusted dollars), while energy … Read more

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Standing out in the suburbs

Since November we have all heard much about the January 21st Million Women Marches against Donald Trump being planned in Washington D.C. and beyond. Many will use it as an outlet for their anger. Neo conservative pundits will use it to feed into a narrative about “those lefty urban activists marching again.” Personally, I plan to attend … Read more

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Local group lays out strategies for 100% clean energy communities

Sonoma County aerial

by Andy Ferguson, North Bay Clean Energy Forum How can communities quickly transition from using fossil fuels like natural gas and gasoline to using renewables like solar? A community group called the North Bay Clean Energy Forum has released a new white paper describing specific strategies to rapidly make this switch. The group envisions that … Read more

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Renewable energy at tipping point – with more investment needed

In a new report, the World Economic Forum has concluded that renewable energy is becoming competitive with fossil fuels, but the industry needs institutional investments. The World Economic Forum analysis shows that the cost of generating electricity from renewables has plunged over the last three years and is now equal to that of coal and … Read more

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Thank you, supporters!

We are so very grateful to you who support our work in myriad ways! We ended the year on a high note, meeting our fundraising goals and heading into the New Year in eager anticipation of spreading our solutions far and wide for maximum impact. We look forward to bringing you climate news in 2017 … Read more

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Amidst the madness, 5 big reasons for hope

I spent the first part of last weekend feeling depressed about recent headlines. However, over the weekend I was reminded of the many committed and powerful people who surround us by way of a conversation with a friend about an ecology project she did with her daughters. This person has led many efforts to help tomorrow’s leaders gain a … Read more

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A Clean Energy Revolution is Already Underway

Clean Energy Revolution Now

The Department of Energy recently released a report, Revolution…now about the current state of the clean energy revolution.  The fossil fuel industry is clearly reacting against the momentum of the renewable energy industry.  During the Obama administration, clean energy costs dropped up to 94 percent. Here are statistics that indicate that renewable energy can win the … Read more