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These three circular economy principles can help combat the climate crisis

45% of global emissions come from making things, everyday products like cars and clothes, and managing land Only a systems-level approach will enable us to achieve the 1.5 ̊C target by 2050 while building greater resilience to climate change. Energy lies at the core of efforts to address climate change. Worldwide, the electricity, heat and … Read more

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Energy resilient communities through distributed, clean, smart and local microgrids (Advanced Community Energy or ACE)

by Kurt Johnson, The Climate Center (read full article on our website here) As climate-related disruptions grow more frequent and severe, we urgently need effective local strategies to achieve decarbonization, resilience, social equity and security. The common basis for all these goals is to create local electric systems — carbon-free, safe, resilient and accessible to … Read more

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UNITED IN SCIENCE: High-level synthesis report of latest climate science (Sept 2019)

See this excellent United Nations high level climate science synthesis (Sept 22 2019) of the latest from the advisory group to the UN Climate Action Summit. You can read the press release and summary here.  This is provides the scientific foundation for much more bold action in California– accelerated timelines and more aggressive policies to … Read more

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How’s Ann?

Those who know me are naturally curious when learning the news that Ellie Cohen became the new CEO of The Climate Center (formerly the Center for Climate Protection). Am I retiring? Cutting back? Motivated by some other personal reason? This concern really touches me. Here’s the backstory. The move to hire Ellie was strictly mission-driven … Read more

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In an extraordinary day, the Center shared a vision for safe, reliable, resilient, and carbon-free power

Clean Power Alliance Executive Director Ted Bardacke talks with LA Times reporter Sammy Roth about the latest in Community Choice developments at The Climate Center's annual Business of Local Energy Symposium.

In late June, 325 Community Choice operators and advocates, clean energy businesses, and elected officials from around the state converged on the Business of Local Energy Symposium hosted by The Climate Center (CCP) and our partners in Southern California to discuss best practices and what leadership in a dynamic environment of local clean energy means. … Read more

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Plastic and oil are brothers from a dirty mother

What does plastic pollution have to do with climate change? They share a common origin. My environmental awakening came in 2003 at a presentation about the Great Pacific Garbage patch. Biologists were starting to find dead albatross washed up along coastlines with guts full of plastic. I remember thinking to myself, “If we are allowing … Read more

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Carl Mears answers curious climate activist

by Carl Mears, CCP I’ve heard that a good way to help with climate change is to modify my diet to reduce my carbon footprint (foodprint?). When I tried to look into this, I found a lot of confusing, contradictory information. Vegan vs. Omnivore. Local meat vs. imported vegetable. Beef, pork, chicken, fish, dairy! Organic … Read more

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Supporter Spotlight: Barbara Fry

Barbara Fry Apr 26 2019 (2)

Please meet Barbara Fry, one of our loyal “sustainers.” Barbara lives in Spring Lake Village, a beautiful retirement facility in Santa Rosa.  She comes from a fascinating background. She spent many years in the Middle East including five years in Tehran as program director for the United States Bi-National Center specializing in English as a … Read more

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Meet Bronwyn Simmons – our new intern

My name is Bronwyn Simmons, and I go to school at Bard College, where I’m studying international affairs. I’m interested in all kinds of activism, as well as investigative journalism. On campus, I’m involved in many activist groups, including the Sunrise Movement. Our Sunrise Movement chapter is involved in pushing local politicians to back radical … Read more