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Meet Scott Pruitt – and weigh in

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, left, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency director nominee. CREDIT: AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki

The Senate is likely to hold a floor vote on Pruitt’s confirmation as EPA administrator later this week. Read on to learn about Scott Pruitt. Call your representatives to express any concerns. Kamala D. Harris (CA) and Dianne Feinstein (CA) ————— Trump’s EPA pick recently called climate change a ‘religious belief’ by Natasha Geiling, ThinkProgress Scott … Read more

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Sonoma County’s Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery shows sustainability is sound business

Jennifer Bice

by Jane Bender, The Climate Center Jane Bender is president of The Climate Center. Powering the Bottom Line ( is a recurring column from that Santa Rosa-based organization. In 1978, Jennifer Bice took over her parents’ small goat dairy. Today, her award-winning goat milk yogurt, kefir and artisan cheese are sold nationwide, and she has expanded … Read more

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LA Times breaks story on California’s overbuilt electricity system

SUTTER ENERGY CENTER in Yuba City was hailed as the nation’s cleanest power plant when it opened in 2001. It closed indefinitely a year ago because the state has little need for its electricity. (David Butow For The Times)

The article below, published in the Los Angeles Times, demonstrates the need for a shift in our current energy system to better align the needs of California residents and businesses with the goals of energy providers. Currently, the main objective of private California utilities is to maximize shareholder profits. In the Community Choice Energy model, … Read more

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Energy Policy Leader Update: Hans-Josef Fell

Hans-Josef Fell, Energy Guru of the German Parliament

In 2010 I invited Hans-Josef Fell, at the time a German Parliamentarian, to visit Sonoma County to talk about the policies he successfully advocated for, which helped lead Germany in the transition to renewable energy. I caught up with him again in 2012 at the annual InterSolar conference in San Francisco shortly after he had … Read more

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Wyoming lawmakers propose renewables ban, new study touts renewables standards

While Wyoming Republican lawmakers try to ban the purchase of renewable energy by utilities, it is clear that state renewable energy mandates are producing great economic benefits. A recent study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab shows benefits outweighing costs for renewable energy portfolio standards – by more than 200 percent. State renewable portfolio standards (RPS) … Read more

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Over one million plan to march to protest Trump’s agenda

By the latest count, 1,032,110 plan to march in protest to the Trump agenda in the coming days. To find a march near you, go to: If you plan to march and are looking for sign ideas related to climate change and energy, perhaps Trump’s agenda can provide some inspiration. Here’s a refresher on Trump’s climate … Read more

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Exxon dissident shareholders push climate action, company facing climate fraud charges

Exxon Mobile’s dissident investors have introduced seven more resolutions asking the company to address climate change and its risks, in contradiction to former chief Rex Tillerson’s vehement opposition to such motions. The resolutions ask Exxon to add a board member with environmental expertise; disclose funding of lobbyists and organizations dedicated to influencing climate policy; and … Read more

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California Public Utilities Commission: Community Choice Energy has arrived

California electricity regulators are taking notice of Community Choice Energy. Perhaps they are concerned about the rapid growth of Community Choice Energy and want to gain control. Or perhaps they are excited about the way Community Choice has been stimulating clean power innovation and want to help it along. Whatever the motivations, on February 1st, 2017 … Read more