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Charging ahead with EV charging

Doron Amiran works on electric vehicle adoption policies and programs for The Climate Center. In this month of July, as we reflect back on America’s history, we remember Paul Revere’s cry, “The British are coming!” Current times merit new warnings, only this time, there’s good news: The electric cars are coming.  Almost half a million … Read more

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The results are In! Show us the numbers!

We live in the age of fit-bits and health apps that give us instant feedback on step-counts and calories. So why not carbon footprints? How about connecting the dots between self-care, the health of our planet and the power of collective, measurable climate actions? At ECO2school, we closely consider the impact of our transportation choices … Read more

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The Climate Center launches Clean Cars Campaign

Save the date – March 22 Public launch and rally in support of AB 1745: Thursday, March 22, doors open at 5:30, rally from 6:00 – 7:30 Glaser Center, 547 Mendocino, Santa Rosa, 95401 Free – refreshments will be served Register for the event here>> The Climate Center is launching a campaign in support of … Read more

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California’s climate commitment is good for business

Many companies are choosing to locate in California because of the state’s strong climate leadership. This flies in the face of the myth that climate regulation might be a bad deal for California’s economy. Proterra, the Burlingame builder of electric buses, opened a factory in the Los Angeles area recently, in an effort to move some … Read more

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Are cities leading on climate?

Since President Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord, we have been hearing a banquet of news about how cities are leading on climate action. The Guardian recently devoted an article to showcasing New York City, Houston, Miami and San Francisco as good examples of climate leadership. According to the article, New York City has already … Read more

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The Climate Center partners with MCE and others for building efficiency optimization project

California Energy Commission “Local Government Challenge Grant” project receives highest score in its category On April 11th the Center received news that it had been awarded, along with its Project partners, $1.7M in funding for a project that will help the state achieve its greenhouse gas reduction goals and that aims to develop a replicable model … Read more

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A Clean Energy Revolution is Already Underway

Clean Energy Revolution Now

The Department of Energy recently released a report, Revolution…now about the current state of the clean energy revolution.  The fossil fuel industry is clearly reacting against the momentum of the renewable energy industry.  During the Obama administration, clean energy costs dropped up to 94 percent. Here are statistics that indicate that renewable energy can win the … Read more

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Three Days, Three Neighbors, Three New Leafs

Patrick Picard

For Richard Senghas and Tina Poles, “Standing Rock was the last straw.”  Buying a Nissan Leaf through the Sonoma Clean Power Drive EverGreen program is “taking their next significant step towards weaning ourselves off fossil fuels,” Richard posted on Facebook.  Since they are EverGreen customers, he points out that the energy for the car is … Read more

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Student commute programs cut emissions significantly

World wide transportation accounts for only 13 percent of our carbon footprint 1.  However, in the Bay Area transportation is biggest GHG contributor, 2 and here in semi-rural Sonoma County, transportation accounts for more than half of our greenhouse gas emissions 3.  We drive a lot. So what can we do about it? The Sonoma County Transit Authority … Read more