| Take Action

Urge state officials to transition to equitable, affordable, and clean transportation fuels

In 2023, Governor Newsom signed SBX1-2, which aims to prevent fuel price-gouging. The law includes a provision for the California Energy Commission and California Air Resources Board (CARB) to conduct a Transportation Fuels Assessment and develop a Transportation Fuels Transition Plan that will determine how the state transitions to clean fuels. CARB will be starting … Read more

California Climate Lobby Day 2024

Sacramento, CA

On March 20 2024, the day after the California Climate Policy Summit, The Climate Center and our partners led a day of advocacy at state legislative offices. This was an opportunity to meet directly with lawmakers and their staff to deliver a clear and compelling message about the bills we want to see California pass … Read more

Managing the Transition Away From Fossil Fuels. What Is Required?

The Climate Registry Pavilion, Expo City, Dubai

California and a few other climate-leading states and countries have made initial progress reducing demand for oil — for example through deploying electric vehicles — but have done very little on the supply side. The International Energy Agency tells us that staying below 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming is incompatible with any new oil and … Read more

California Climate Policy Summit 2024

Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel, 1230 J St, Sacramento, CA 95814
California Climate Policy Summit 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the third annual California Climate Policy Summit! We’re honored to have brought together more than 350 climate activists, environmental justice advocates, state decision-makers, elected officials, business leaders, scientists, and policy experts to build support for climate policy commensurate with what science demands. Additional videos, session transcripts, slides, and … Read more

| Take Action

Save solar for apartment buildings, schools, and farms!

California must strengthen — not weaken — our state’s program to bring rooftop solar and storage to California’s 16 million renters. Working-class and frontline communities have suffered too long from air pollution, climate disasters, skyrocketing utility bills, and blackouts.  The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) recently considered proposals from corporate utilities to gut the state’s … Read more

| Take Action

Tell Governor Newsom to stop issuing permits for new oil and gas drilling

Neighborhood oil drilling in California

Governor Newsom is taking on Big Oil in a big way. Recently, he announced that California is suing five of the largest oil corporations in the world — Exxon, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and BP — as well as the American Petroleum Institute, for their decades of climate deception. This lawsuit is huge not only because … Read more

What a World Beyond Fossil Fuels Will Mean for Workers, Families, and Communities

In spite of our climate-friendly reputation, California is still a major oil and gas producer. This webinar will explore opportunities for developing an equitable, statewide plan to phase out oil and gas extraction, imports, refining, end-use, and exports in a managed decline. Managed decline means that facilities closest to sensitive receptors (like schools and homes) … Read more

Last Chance Alliance’s Big Oil Resistance Tour

Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Kern County, Oakland, and Sacramento
Activists with Greenpeace, Oil & Gas Action Network and Regenerating Paradise gather at a burn scar site in the North Complex Fire urging Governor Newsom to take immediate action to phase out fossil fuels and end neighborhood drilling.

Big Oil bullies are ripping off Californians, polluting our air and water, poisoning our communities, and setting us on a path toward climate destruction. Governor Newsom is talking tough on Big Oil and trying to stop them from fleecing us at the gas pump. But we need him to truly move California beyond fossil fuels … Read more

California Climate Lobby Day 2023

Sacramento, California
Capitol Building in Sacramento

After a day of discussing ideas to accelerate climate policies in California, join us in taking action by speaking directly to policymakers and their staff! On April 12, 2023, the day after the California Climate Policy Summit, The Climate Center and our partners are leading a day of advocacy at state legislative offices. This is … Read more