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Nordic steel giant to use renewable hydrogen to produce fossil-free steel by 2026

Steel production factory by knollzw found on https://www.needpix.com/photo/1179741/industry-blast-furnaces-steel-production-industrial-heritage-heavy-industry-iron

by Michael Mazengarb, Renew Economy Highlights: Swedish Steel is working towards using renewable hydrogen to decarbonize their industrial steel process by 2026 A shift to renewable hydrogen could reduce Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions up to 7% and Sweden’s emissions up to 10% Steel manufacturing is one of the world’s largest consumers of fossil fuels, and … Read more

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The Climate Center Lauds Governor Newsom’s Energy Vision: Proposes Details on How to Implement Vision

Santa Rosa, CA – The Climate Center lauds Governor Newsom for the high-level vision articulated in his energy, climate and wildfire speech earlier today before the Public Policy Institute of California. “Kudos to Governor Newsom for articulating a compelling vision for a clean, decentralized, reliable, safe and affordable future electricity system in California,” said Ellie Cohen, … Read more

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Green Deal law to make EU’s energy shift irreversible

by Ewa Krukowska, Bloomberg, January 28, 2020 Highlights The European Union is drafting a measure, titled the Green Deal, to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions entirely by 2050 in hopes to become the world’s first carbon neutral continent.  The EU wants to make their new climate law irreversible  The Green Deal is meant to keep Europe … Read more

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Tropical forests losing ability to absorb CO2, study says

by Daisy Dunne, Carbon Brief, January 27, 2020 Highlights Tropical forests are losing their ability to capture carbon dioxide from the air due to deforestation.  The boreal forests found in cool temperature, high mountain ranges are sequestering more CO2 than tropical forests due to the rise of the CO2 Fertilization Effect Roughly 30% of all … Read more

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Spain declares a national climate emergency

by John Bowden, Bloomberg, January 21, 2020 Highlights Spain has declared a climate emergency and intends to write legislation to be sent to parliament in the next 100 days.  The European Union Parliament declared a climate emergency in November and Spain is following their lead by setting a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 Spain is … Read more

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Corporate clean energy buying leapt 44% in 2019, sets new record

Solar Panel Power Generation. by mrganso found on https://www.needpix.com/photo/1123513/photovoltaic-system-solar-solar-energy-solar-panel-photovoltaic-renewable-energy-revolution-power-generation-solar-field

by BloombergNEF Highlights: Corporations bought a record amount of clean energy through power purchase agreements, or PPAs, in 2019, up more than 40% from the previous year’s record. The majority of this purchasing occurred in the United States. BloombergNEF’s 2020 Corporate Energy Market Outlook found that approximately 19.5GW of clean energy contracts were signed by … Read more

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New policy roadmap to combat wildfires, prevent power shutoffs and increase community resilience

Oakland, CA — Climate and clean energy experts released a new policy roadmap today to guide California state policymakers who want to use clean energy to combat wildfires and power outages. The roadmap details proposals that would accelerate the clean energy transition, transform the outdated investor-owned utility business model, and modernize the power system. “The 2020 wildfire season might … Read more

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PG&E’s fossil fuel-powered microgrids

Workers install portions of the 8.5 megawatt-per-hour battery system at Fort Carson, Colorado. Huntsville Center’s Energy Savings Performance Contracting program coordinated the project designed to reduce peak electricity use costs, especially during the summer cooling season. (Photo by Scott Clark) found on by Scott Clark, found on https://www.hnc.usace.army.mil/Media/Images/igphoto/2002081389/

by Kavya Balaraman, Utility Dive Highlights: The towns of Angwin, Calistoga, Placerville, and Grass Valley are part of PG&E’s effort to build a network of “resilience zones” and temporary microgrids in portions of its service territory that are especially vulnerable to fire-related outages. PG&E deployed 23 MW of temporary generation from fossil fuel power (diesel) … Read more

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Wind, solar to dominate new power plants in 2020

Rooftop PV installation on the Forest County Potawatomi Tribe administration building

Highlights: As of January 1, 2020, new houses in California are required to install rooftop solar. “One utility, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, has asked regulators to approve a plan that says builders in its territory can comply with the solar mandate by subscribing to the utility’s community solar programs instead of putting solar on every … Read more

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Rhode Island becomes the first US state to commit to 100% renewables by 2030

by Carolyn Fortuna, Clean Technica, January 20, 2020 Highlights: The littlest state in the US has set the biggest goals for renewable energy.  Democratic governor Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island signed an executive order this month calling for an end to fossil fuel dependence in Rhode Island by 2030 The governor outlined her goal of … Read more