The Climate Center at COP 27

Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
Ellie Cohen and Vincent Wiraatmadja at COP 27

At COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt in 2022, there was a historic, eleventh-hour agreement by the countries of the world to establish a “loss and damage” fund. For the first time, the world’s largest historic climate polluters, led by the United States, are acknowledging the need to formally address climate justice and establish funding mechanisms … Read more

| Blog Post

Testimony: California Air Resources Board must prioritize proven solutions, not carbon capture scams, in final Scoping Plan

The California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) updated Scoping Plan, the state’s five-year climate blueprint, will play a key role in determining the direction of California’s climate policy. California must lead the way with bold, accelerated, and equitable climate policies. With CARB’s December deadline looming, The Climate Center and our allies are urging the agency to: … Read more

California Climate Policy Summit 2022

Sacramento State University
Ellie Cohen CA Climate Policy Summit

Accelerating action for a climate-safe future Scientists have repeatedly warned that California must act quickly to address the climate crisis or face more devastating fires, floods, heat waves, and drought. If we act now, we can secure clean air, abundant water, food security, and social equity. Our state has an opportunity to lead the world … Read more

Webinar: Soil as a climate solution

Torri Estrada, Executive Director of Carbon Cycle Institute and Wendy Millet, Ranch Director of TomKat Ranch joined moderator CEO Ellie Cohen for an inspiring conversation about the myriad benefits of carbon sequestration in farming and ranching for a climate-safe future. Torri and Wendy provided the basics of how soil carbon sequestration works, examples of regenerative agriculture successes from farms and … Read more

Carbon 101 – Presentation from the Carbon Cycle Institute

Cattle Grazing Pasture

Executive Director Torri Estrada and Dr. Jeff Creque from the Carbon Cycle Institute (CCI) presented the underlying science of carbon sequestration. This includes how the carbon cycle is connected and drives climate change, the role of the terrestrial ecosystem, generally, and soils, specifically, in the dynamics of climate change. They provided an overview of carbon farming and how CCI and its partners are engaging … Read more

Webinar: Nature-based Sequestration – One Key to Solving our Climate Crisis

This webinar is the fifth in The Climate Center’s Climate Safe California webinar series. Reducing the carbon that we are putting into the atmosphere is not enough. We must also draw down and sequester hundreds of millions of metric tons of carbon. This webinar covered natural techniques for carbon sequestration through farming, ranching, and habitat restoration, … Read more

| Take Action

Tell the California Air Resources Board: 2045 is too late

It's Time to Cut Carbon

Update November 16, 2022: The California Air Resources Board (CARB) released its final Scoping Plan, the state’s five-year roadmap for achieving its climate goals. After months of consultation with climate experts and advocates, as well as intervention from Governor Newsom, the plan reflects some significant improvements. These include a commitment to avoid the buildout of … Read more

Media briefing: Natural carbon removal solutions and California policy

healthy soils

Limiting global warming to within the 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold of dangerous warming, per the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, requires both dramatically cutting emissions and removing existing carbon pollution from the atmosphere. In order to achieve the latter, California policymakers often conflate natural carbon removal solutions through soil and vegetation sequestration and very early stage … Read more

| Press Release

Governor Newsom signs California’s natural climate solutions bill AB 1757 into law

The Climate Center CEO Ellie Cohen and Governor Gavin Newsom

VALLEJO, California — Moments ago, Governor Newsom signed AB 1757 (C. Garcia and Rivas) into law. The new law requires state agencies to set targets for natural carbon removal and emissions reductions on natural and working lands, based on earlier legislation (AB 2649, C. Garcia) sponsored by The Climate Center with the Carbon Cycle Institute, California Association … Read more