| Take Action

California state leaders: Allow virtual participation in public hearings for all Californians

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the state legislature enacted new processes that allow Californians to participate in legislative hearings by phone. During public comment, constituents can share their support for or opposition to bills under discussion, a process known as “me too’s.” Californians across the state have an opportunity to participate in the … Read more

| Take Action

Urge state agencies to set ambitious targets to accelerate nature-based climate solutions

Climate solutions on farms, ranches, wetlands, forests, and more have the potential to draw down existing climate pollution and store it in soils and biomass while promoting food and water security and biodiversity. Out of California’s 105 million acres of land, approximately 90 percent has the potential to store planet-warming carbon.  Thanks to AB 1757 … Read more

| Take Action

Save solar for apartment buildings, schools, and farms!

California must strengthen — not weaken — our state’s program to bring rooftop solar and storage to California’s 16 million renters. Working-class and frontline communities have suffered too long from air pollution, climate disasters, skyrocketing utility bills, and blackouts.  The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) recently considered proposals from corporate utilities to gut the state’s … Read more

| Post

Urge your elected officials to fund climate-friendly farms and ranches

Healthy soils on farms and ranches play a key role in drawing down past climate pollution, increasing resilience to drought, floods, and other extremes, and supporting biodiversity and food security. California has set a goal of implementing healthy soils practices on at least 80,000 acres of land every year, which will help increase the longevity … Read more

| Take Action

Tell Governor Newsom to veto SB 842 and hold Big Oil accountable for price gouging

Last Chance Alliance activists in support of a price gouging penalty on greedy oil corporations, which SB 842 would undermine if signed. Photo: Oil and Gas Action Network

On October 7, 2023, Governor Newsom vetoed SB 842. SB 842 would have undermined the price gouging penalty passed at the beginning of 2023, which holds the oil industry accountable for excessively raising gasoline prices to pad their profits. In a last-minute deal reached just before the end of the legislative session, SB 842 was … Read more

| Take Action

Tell Governor Newsom to stop issuing permits for new oil and gas drilling

Neighborhood oil drilling in California

Governor Newsom is taking on Big Oil in a big way. Recently, he announced that California is suing five of the largest oil corporations in the world — Exxon, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and BP — as well as the American Petroleum Institute, for their decades of climate deception. This lawsuit is huge not only because … Read more

| Take Action

Thank Governor Newsom for signing SB 253, SB 261, and AB 1167 into law

End Fossil Fuels March in NYC, September 17, 2023. Photo: Survival Media Agency

On October 7, 2023, Governor Newsom signed SB 253, SB 261, and AB 1167 into law to set stricter standards for corporate polluters. SB 253, the Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act, requires U.S.-based corporations doing business in California that make over $1 billion annually to publicly disclose their full carbon footprint.  SB 261, the Climate-Related … Read more

| Take Action

Tell Governor Newsom to accelerate equitable climate action now

As the world’s fourth-largest economy and the second-largest state contributor to U.S. climate pollution, California has a responsibility to lead on climate. Governor Newsom has the unique power to reduce pollution, create jobs in the clean energy economy, and save lives. If he takes several key steps over the coming months, we have a shot … Read more

| Take Action

Call your state legislators to support SB 233 and help California avoid power outages

Updated September 6, 2023. On Friday, September 1, 2023, the Assembly Appropriations Committee amended SB 233 to remove the core of the bill: mandating that all electric passenger vehicles and school buses sold in California by model year 2030 have bidirectional capability. In response, bill author Senator Nancy Skinner has decided to make SB 233 … Read more

| Take Action

Tell your representative: Protect California’s children from extreme heat events

We’ve all experienced extreme heat and wildfires in California over the past few years. Temperatures records have been broken up and down the West Coast during the summer and early fall, and this year is predicted to be another scorcher.  It’s time to address the dangers of extreme heat, particularly for our children. Senate Bill … Read more