| Take Action

California leaders must hold the line on climate investments

Photo by Tessa Richardson.

The 2023-2024 California state budget is nearly final! After an initial draft budget that included $6 billion in cuts to climate investments, action from people like you convinced Governor Newsom and state lawmakers to restore funding for several key climate and energy programs. Thank you to everyone who took action! While we appreciate the reinstatement … Read more

| Take Action

Call on the legislature to maintain state funding for equitable building decarbonization

The 2022-23 state budget cycle committed nearly $1 billion to retrofit existing buildings in low-income communities and provide consumer rebates for building upgrades. This program is essential for addressing inequities and disproportionate pollution impacts for lower-income communities and communities of color, all while ensuring robust tenant protection, anti-displacement, and workforce standards. But Governor Newsom is … Read more

| Take Action

Take action to keep solar power affordable for all

Save My Solar Job

On December 15, 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted unanimously to adopt new rules for how residential rooftop solar customers, schools, churches, farms, and businesses will be compensated for the electricity they deliver back to the grid. Pressure from corporate utilities resulted in a proposal that will slash the rate paid to these … Read more

| Take Action

It’s time for a windfall profits cap on greedy oil corporations

Cap Big Oil Windfall Profits - Save Money, Save Democracy

Update: On March 28, 2023 Governor Newsom signed SBX 1-2 into law, giving state regulators the power to penalize oil companies for making too much money, the first of its kind in the country. Under the new law, the California Energy Commission has the authority to impose a penalty if oil company profits surpassed a … Read more

| Blog Post

Testimony: California Air Resources Board must prioritize proven solutions, not carbon capture scams, in final Scoping Plan

The California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) updated Scoping Plan, the state’s five-year climate blueprint, will play a key role in determining the direction of California’s climate policy. California must lead the way with bold, accelerated, and equitable climate policies. With CARB’s December deadline looming, The Climate Center and our allies are urging the agency to: … Read more

| Take Action

Tell the California Air Resources Board: 2045 is too late

It's Time to Cut Carbon

Update November 16, 2022: The California Air Resources Board (CARB) released its final Scoping Plan, the state’s five-year roadmap for achieving its climate goals. After months of consultation with climate experts and advocates, as well as intervention from Governor Newsom, the plan reflects some significant improvements. These include a commitment to avoid the buildout of … Read more

| Report

Jobs and Climate Action in California

History, Resources, and Opportunities

Hybrid solar/wind system, 2400W windturbines, 4000W solar modules, island Zirje, Croatia by Nenad Kajić / Veneko.hr

As California responds to the climate crisis, new industries will grow and others will shrink. Research shows that hundreds of thousands of permanent jobs will be created by working towards state climate stabilization targets. At the same time, jobs in legacy industries — oil, gas, and refineries, for example — are likely to decline. Ensuring … Read more

| Post

Hobo Wines supports a climate-safe future

by Ellen Maremont Silver A bedrock of The Climate Center’s strategy for its Climate-Safe California campaign is organizing a growing body of advocates– including businesses– who will exert pressure on lawmakers to implement the bold policies needed to address the climate crisis and usher in a climate-safe economy. Below is an interview with two of The Climate Center’s Businesses for … Read more