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Q&A: Behind the scenes at COP26 with Alex Gilchrist and Susan Thomas

The Climate Center COP26

In 2021, The Climate Center became an official observer organization of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), giving us the opportunity to participate in the COP26 global climate talks in November in Glasgow. Joining CEO Ellie Cohen (second from right) in Glasgow were long-time partner Alex Gilchrist (left) and Board of Directors … Read more

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Don’t mourn, organize: What I learned as an official observer at COP26

Global Day of Action, climate march through the streets of Glasgow

What an invigorating, inspiring, challenging, and frustrating ten days in Glasgow for the United Nations annual global climate summit, COP26. There were almost 40,000 people registered and up to 10,000 there any single day, even with attendance limited due to COVID. People from all over the world came together to share their stories of climate … Read more

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Stockton City Council votes unanimously to consider Community Choice Energy

On Tuesday, November 9, at a specially planned study session, the Stockton City Council directed city staff to prepare a report and recommendation on joining an existing Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) joint powers authority. The council members present voted unanimously to take this next step after hearing from a number of experts and representatives from … Read more

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The Climate Center Recognized as Official Observer NGO to the UN Climate Meetings! Follow us at COP26 in Glasgow

United Nations

We are thrilled that The Climate Center has been recognized as an official Observer NGO to the United Nations global climate meetings. This year’s conference, called COP26, will be held in Glasgow, Scotland from November 1-12, 2021. I’ll be there to learn from other climate champions and share our vision for a Climate-Safe California on … Read more

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UN calls climate change a ‘code red’ warning for humanity, business must be part of the solution

United Nations by John Samuel

The head of the United Nations has a message for the rest of the world: act on climate change now or pay the price for years to come. In the midst of fires, drought, and extreme heat, we hardly need another report to tell us that the climate crisis poses a grave threat to California’s … Read more

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The California climate bills that passed — and failed — in 2021

Capitol Building in Sacramento

With the crack of the gavel last Friday night, California’s 2021 legislative session came to a close. Overall, this was a lackluster year for climate action in the California legislature. The most ambitious climate bills — including a measure that would have set a net-negative emissions target, the most ambitious climate goal in the country … Read more

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Climate voters showed up for Governor Newsom, now it’s time for him to show up for us

State of the State Protest in Sacramento

It’s official: Governor Newsom has survived the recall attempt.  Climate voters mobilized by the millions in this election. When we cast our ballots, we voted for action to address the wildfires, toxic smoke, drought, and intense heat waves that have wreaked havoc across California this summer. With the recall behind him, it’s up to Governor … Read more

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Community Choice Aggregation can help Central Valley Communities save on energy costs and improve local resilience


The concerns raised in Manteca Bulletin Editor Dennis Wyatt’s piece about Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E) proposed rate hike (Time to end PG&E before PG&E ends Northern California life as we know it, August 5, 2021) are well founded. Wyatt points out that the increase – meant to cover the costs of burying 10,000 miles … Read more

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Vote for the climate in California’s recall election

Climate Action Now

California’s recall election is fast approaching, and we at The Climate Center want to make sure you have all the information you need to exercise your right to vote. The climate crisis is hitting California harder than scientists predicted even a few years ago, and we deserve leaders who share our vision for a Climate-Safe … Read more

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What the new UN climate science report means for California

State of the State Protest in California

This week, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Sixth Assessment Report with the latest consensus on climate science. The report warns that humans have “unequivocally” warmed the planet, causing “widespread and rapid” changes to Earth’s oceans, ice, and land surface. It also provides further evidence of the links between climate … Read more