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Opinion: Methane leaks in the Central Valley may be worsening COVID-19 cases

by Karen L. Jones, California Health Report Highlights According to the California Department of Public Health, the death rate due to chronic lower respiratory disease is 12 times higher in the San Joaquin Valley compared to the rest of the state and 14 times higher than the national rate The intense pollution in the region … Read more

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California oil production limits stall in Legislature, leaving the issue to Newsom

More than 95% of all Federal drilling occurs in established fields within the Kern County area of the San Joaquin Valley.

by Phil Willon, The Los Angeles Times Highlights Assembley Bill 345, legislation that would have mandated setbacks of oil drilling sites from homes, schools, and other community dwellings, was voted down 5-4 The bill would have also required the Department of Conservation to create an environmental justice progam where residents near drilling sites could voice their … Read more

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A climate-driven transformation of wildfires around the globe

by Michael Kodas, Inside Climate News Highlights Climate change is increasing the severity and size of wildfires across the globe Fires in Colorado burned over 200,000 acres, while fires in California burned an area the size of Rhode Island These Western US fires were predicted by Federal wildfire forecasters due to the trend of low … Read more

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Why 2020 to 2050 will be ‘the most transformative decades in human history’

by Eric Holthaus, One Zero Highlights A study from UC Berkeley illustrates that climate catastrophes will onset violence such as domestic abuse and even civil wars, setting up the potential collapse of many countries  Conflict avoidance is ingrained into the world’s climate response, by refocusing on creating an ecological society, our care of the planet … Read more

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How the fossil fuel industry drives climate change and police brutality

Seattle Black Lives Matter protest by Kelly Kline

by Alexandria Herr, Grist Highlights Public Accountability Initiative and LittleSis released a new report detailing how oil companies fund police foundations across the country These foundations are non-profits that raise money to buy weapons, equipment, and surveillance technology for police departments Some fossil fuel companies have also supported legislation that would criminalize protesting pipelines Big … Read more

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California greenlights ‘Orwellian’ solar-powered fracking scheme

by Steve Horn, The Real News Highlights California Governor Gavin Newsom approved two rounds drilling permits for Chevron this summer, furthering criticism from environmental groups Since lifting the moratorium on fracking, Governor Newsom has approved 36 new fracking permits in Lost Hills to Aera Energy, a company he has close ties with  Chevron was given … Read more

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There is little evidence that mass transit poses a risk of coronavirus outbreaks

by Maxine Joselow, Scientific American Highlights Public transportation advocates say that transit can play a crucial role in the pandemic era by reducing air pollution that makes people more susceptible to COVID-19. Subways account for 76% less carbon emissions than the average vehicle carrying a single person More single-occupant vehicles on the road will have long … Read more

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Heat waves are deadlier than hurricanes and fires. Maybe they should get names, too

Burning Sun by law keven

by Sammy Roth, The Los Angeles Times Highlights Washington D.C. based think tank Atlantic Council launched the Extreme Heat Resilience Alliance which aims to develop a worldwide standard for naming and ranking heat waves People who work outdoors, low-income residences without proper air conditioning, people without homes, and people with health conditions are vulnerable to … Read more

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Tired of wells that threaten residents’ health, a small California town takes on the oil industry

Committee For A Better Arvin / Comite para un Arvin mejor

by Julia Kane, Inside Climate News Highlights In the Central Valley of California, exhaust from semi-trucks, oil and gas fumes, plus pesticides from the agricultural sector are trapped in the valley, creating mass pollution that creates severe health problems Health effects include asthma, respiratory illnesses, preterm birth, low birth weight, and cancer  Pollution caused by … Read more

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New York is spending $1 billion to help residents conserve energy — and lower their bills

by Angely Mercado, Grist  Highlights As people shelter-in-place due to the ongoing pandemic, utility bills are rising as the summer heat intensifies  The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the state’s investor-owned utilities are working to provide clean and energy-efficient solutions to more than 350,000 low-to-moderate income households  These services would include … Read more