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Center and UC Santa Barbara students selected to partner on Community Choice Energy project

In late March The Climate Center and a group of UC Santa Barbara students received word that their project “Developing a Toolkit to Optimize Community Choice Energy Programs” has been selected for the 2017-18 cycle. It was a highly competitive process so this is exciting news. The students are in a program at the Bren … Read more

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The Four Ds of Energy Democracy — Disruptive technology, Distributed power, Decentralization, and Democracy of ownership

solar panels

In a recent article, the East Coast-based Institute for Local Self-Reliance explains how we can evolve from energy monopoly to Energy Democracy in four steps. The bottom line is that it is all about placing more control in the hands of communities and individuals, resulting in more of the economic benefits of energy to accrue … Read more

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Community speaks up for Community Choice at California Public Utilities Commission meeting on April 6 in Santa Rosa

Ann Hancock addresses CPUC 4-6-17

Community speaks up for Community Choice at California Public Utilities Commission meeting on April 6 in Santa Rosa Half of the thirty-two people who spoke at the April 6 meeting of the California Public Utilities Commission spoke in support of Community Choice Energy and/or Sonoma Clean Power. A strong showing of support for Community Choice. Ann … Read more

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California Public Utilities Commission: Community Choice Energy has arrived

California electricity regulators are taking notice of Community Choice Energy. Perhaps they are concerned about the rapid growth of Community Choice Energy and want to gain control. Or perhaps they are excited about the way Community Choice has been stimulating clean power innovation and want to help it along. Whatever the motivations, on February 1st, 2017 … Read more

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Local group lays out strategies for 100% clean energy communities

Sonoma County aerial

by Andy Ferguson, North Bay Clean Energy Forum How can communities quickly transition from using fossil fuels like natural gas and gasoline to using renewables like solar? A community group called the North Bay Clean Energy Forum has released a new white paper describing specific strategies to rapidly make this switch. The group envisions that … Read more

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We help drive the clean energy economy forward

The Climate Center (CCP) developed the Business for Clean Energy (BCE) program six years ago because we believe that business drives innovation and can play a crucial role in helping to address the climate crisis. The BCE program provides a network and resources to support our members in incorporating sustainability into their businesses and keeping … Read more

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Community Choice Energy is a powerful rapidly spreading movement

As 2016 draws to a close, Community Choice Energy has spread to 26 out of 58 counties and over 300 cities in California as either operational, on track for launch of service, or at some stage of evaluation. Community Choice Energy has clearly become a powerful and rapidly spreading movement. The Climate Center began advocating … Read more

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American climate attitudes, global response, and what works

The Climate Center (CCP) has operated for years on the premise that local control of energy resources is key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. This is specifically because of the uncertainty of action at the federal level as the political tables turn at election times. CCP has coupled this tactic with a … Read more

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Clean Power Exchange accelerates spread of Community Choice Energy

Dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, The Climate Center launched Clean Power Exchange (CPX) to accelerate the spread of Community Choice Energy programs across California and beyond. Community Choice Energy is the most powerful, cost-effective, local solution available to local governments for significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, according to analysis that the Center conducted from 2006 to 2008. For … Read more