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Our open-source Pathways Model offers climate action blueprint

The Climate Center’s Climate-Safe California (CSC) campaign advocates for a set of climate targets that, if implemented, would be the most ambitious targets set by any government in the world. At first hearing, that might sound radical. But listening to the mandates of the latest climate science is anything but radical. As we work towards … Read more

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Julie Heric joins The Climate Center as its Executive & Admin Assistant

Julie Heric

My work in education emphasized reverence for the natural world. As the Office Administrator, I daily witnessed children making connections to the environment and was amazed by how effortlessly these young people understood the interconnectedness in every part of the world around them. Toddlers and preschoolers tended classroom gardens and experienced the joys of producing … Read more

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The Climate Center Testimony in Support of SB 582- Climate Emergency Mitigation, Safe Restoration, and Just Resilience Act of 2021

Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water Support Testimony for SB 582 https://senv.senate.ca.gov/ April 27, 2021 Hearing Good morning Chair Laird and members of the committee. My name is Ellie Cohen, CEO of The Climate Center, a policy nonprofit working for rapid greenhouse gas reductions at scale. I am honored to testify in support of … Read more

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The Climate Center Testimony in Support of SB 99, the Community Energy Resilience Act of 2021

Senate Energy Committee Support Testimony for SB 99 https://senv.senate.ca.gov/ April 19, 2021 Hearing   Good afternoon Chairman Hueso, Vice-Chair Dahle and Members of the Committee. My name is Kurt Johnson, I’m the Community Energy Resilience Director at The Climate Center. Our flagship Climate-Safe California campaign aims to accelerate California climate policy timelines to achieve net-negative … Read more

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Climate-Safe California Campaign Reaches 1,000 Endorsements

Major milestone in effort to accelerate state climate leadership Santa Rosa, CA, March 24, 2021—Over 1,000 elected officials, business leaders, academics, organizations and community members have now endorsed The Climate Center’s Climate-Safe California campaign. By endorsing, they are sending a message that they want California to aggressively tackle the climate crisis with big investments now– … Read more

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Stockton Community Choice Energy study released

On March 23, Stockton’s City Council will be receiving an informational presentation on a feasibility study examining the opportunities and economic outlook for launching a Community Choice agency.  A Community Choice Energy program would allow the City to buy electricity at competitive rates on behalf of Stockton residents and businesses and reinvest net revenues back … Read more

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Climate change is weakening the ocean currents that shape weather on both sides of the Atlantic

by Bob Berwyn, Inside Climate News Highlights The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is a system of ocean currents that distributes heat energy from the tropics towards the poles and causes cold water to flow towards the equator. This system is what shaped the climate of eastern North America and Western Europe, allowing the development of … Read more

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Choking on fumes: Diesel generators are booming with state funding

Los Angeles Smog by Massimo Catarinella

In a state that takes pride in claiming to be a world leader in technology and reducing carbon emissions, state and local government decision-makers in California have taken a giant step backward in funding diesel back-up generators to mitigate for Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS).  In recent years, power shutoffs have cost California billions of … Read more