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Pathway to 2050: August 20, 2015

Advanced Energy Economy: Pathway to 2050 WHEN: August 20, 2015 in Sacramento, CA The annual Sacramento event brings together an influential group of advanced energy business leaders and state policy-makers who discuss opportunities to accelerate California’s economy through the growth of advanced energy. This year’s event topics will explore the following questions: How do utility business models … Read more

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The California Independent System Operator: A High Wire Act on Solid Ground

May 20, 2015  |  by Woody Hastings Recently I visited the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) – my first visit ever. I always wondered why CAISO was located in Folsom, California. I learned that Folsom is one of the least seismically active areas in the State, yet still close to the centers of policy decision-making. … Read more

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Sonoma County Water Agency: Carbon Free by 2015

May 1, 2015 by Adrienne Tatman, SSU student and The Climate Center Intern Recently I attended a Sonoma County Water Agency’s Energy and Sustainability tour and learned how the Agency achieved carbon free water.  The Agency pumps and distributes water to more than 600,000 Sonoma and Marin customers, and also runs several sanitation plants. Before … Read more

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MarinSEL Business Leaders Breakfast – March 11, 2015

Join us for our annual Business Leaders Breakfast and hear from key local environmental leaders, MarinSEL students and teachers! The annual MarinSEL Business Leaders Breakfast will be held on March 11th, 2015 beginning at 7:00am. This event is an important fundraiser for the Marin School of Environmental Leadership at Terra Linda High School and provides an … Read more

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Soiland Company: Making Aggregate with Sunshine

Upon my arrival to interview Mark Soiland, CEO of Soiland Company, about their renewable energy efforts, he asked me why I didn’t drive an electric car. He has done his homework, knows the costs and benefits, and has been advocating with his board to buy electric cars for the business. I couldn’t help but be … Read more

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Revenue-Neutral Fee and Dividend – Economic Energy for Local Solutions

I’ve spent most of my life watching the growth of fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions defy our every attempt to stop it: global treaties, national tax credits and efficiency standards, utility rebates, carbon trading, community choice, scientific reports, mass demonstrations, and media campaigns. None of these very worthy efforts reaches the problem’s root: fossil … Read more

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Economics of Sustainability Conference, San Francisco, Oct. 6-9

UN Climate Week and many environmental organizations are meeting this month in New York to catalyze action in dealing with the Climate Crisis. The Economics of Sustainability Conference, taking place less than two weeks after Climate Week, is a next step in addressing the most critical challenge of our time. Naomi Klein says, “Dealing with … Read more

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Ratto Group and Wrightspeed Join Forces to Reduce Greenhouse Gases in Sonoma County

The Ratto Group and Wrightspeed announced in April their partnership in converting North Bay garbage and recycling vehicles from clean diesel to electric drive. A move that ultimately will help tremendously in reducing greenhouse gases in Sonoma County. The Ratto Group of Companies, based in Santa Rosa, provides refuse and recycling services to cities and … Read more

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Combating Climate Change: Clean Energy, Green Building & Energy Efficiency — Nov 13

Speaker: Cyane Dandridge, Strategic Energy Innovations Wednesday, 11/13/13 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM Marin Science Seminar 320 Nova Albion Way Terra Linda High School Rm 207 San Rafael, CA 94903 Email: marinscienceseminar@gmail.com Phone: (415) 479-4106 Strategic Energy Innovations (SEI), a nonprofit organization established in 1997, helps empower schools and universities, small businesses, local governments, affordable housing agencies, and … Read more

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Congressman Huffman Says Congress Stymied on Climate

Congressman Jared Huffman spoke to the Business for Clean Energy Group meeting about climate and energy measures in Congress. The group of about 40 business leaders was hosted by Labcon, an international medical labware manufacturer located in Petaluma that has a large solar installation (pictured above) and has invested in aggressive energy efficiency measures. Huffman … Read more