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World Economic Forum makes sustainable aviation fuel available for first time

Plane View Over Mountain Range

by Alyssa Danigelis, Environmental Leader, January 20, 2020 Highlights: The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland is providing sustainable aviation fuel for its arriving business jets Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) has an 80% smaller carbon footprint compared to normal aviation fuel The use of the SAF is meant to demonstrate that the fuel is available, … Read more

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Clean up cars and cement industry to reach California’s climate goals, report says

Zero emissions with SECNAVs permission

Highlights: “California’s current climate policies won’t cut greenhouse gas pollution enough to meet the state’s goals.” “A new report says cleaning up cars and the cement industry could help.” by Rachel Becker, CalMatters California won’t meet its ambitious climate goals in 2030 unless more drivers trade gas guzzlers for clean cars, and heavy industry like … Read more

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New Jersey executive order leverages land use rules to control where and what developers can build

Gov. Philip D. Murphy, a Democrat from New Jersey, (New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen) found on https://www.flickr.com/photos/njnationalguard/44910726671

by Tracey Tully, The New York Times Highlights: A New Jersey democrat has introduced legislation that requires new building projects to account for climate resiliency and mitigating environmental impacts such as GHG emissions in order to receive government approval The state is currently experiencing sinking, accelerated sea-level rise, and flooding along its 130-mile coastline The … Read more

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These three circular economy principles can help combat the climate crisis

45% of global emissions come from making things, everyday products like cars and clothes, and managing land Only a systems-level approach will enable us to achieve the 1.5 ̊C target by 2050 while building greater resilience to climate change. Energy lies at the core of efforts to address climate change. Worldwide, the electricity, heat and … Read more

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Energy resilient communities through distributed, clean, smart and local microgrids (Advanced Community Energy or ACE)

by Kurt Johnson, The Climate Center (read full article on our website here) As climate-related disruptions grow more frequent and severe, we urgently need effective local strategies to achieve decarbonization, resilience, social equity and security. The common basis for all these goals is to create local electric systems — carbon-free, safe, resilient and accessible to … Read more

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Welcome new BCE members Jag Solar Electric and WORK Petaluma

Jag Solar Electric has joined Business for Clean Energy as a Solar Sonoma County qualified vendor.  Founded by Ali Ghorbani, a solar professional since 2009, Jag Solar provides the full spectrum of photovoltaic system services: initial consultation, design, engineering, installation, and inspection of existing systems. Possessing both electrical and solar contractor’s licenses, Ali also installs … Read more

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Sustainable holiday gift idea: Hobo Wine Co. uses carbon-free energy, conserves water, and more. See the deal.

Kenny Likitprakong and Lynn Wheeler are the founders, winemakers and combined creative force behind BCE member The Hobo Wine Company of Santa Rosa, CA. Through a partnership with 1% For the Planet, Hobo Wine Company is a substantial 2018 supporter of The Climate Center. Kenny and Lynn have also implemented several sustainability and clean energy … Read more