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Electricity is busting a monopoly

Monopoly utilities have always dominated the electricity market, leaving us little to no choice in where we get the power for our homes. For another energy need, however, electricity is the upstart.  Gasoline is the monopoly fuel for the transportation sector. But electricity is starting to stage a challenge. Newly released sales figures show that … Read more

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Santa Rosa City Council Votes to Participate in Sonoma Clean Power

Climate Protection Campaign Lauds Council for Decisive Action Santa Rosa—The Santa Rosa City Council today voted to support city participation in Sonoma Clean Power. The unanimous vote directed staff to draft a resolution that the Council intends to pass on its consent calendar next week. The move enables the city to join the new power … Read more

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Sonoma Clean Power Authority Holds First Meeting

The Sonoma Clean Power Authority board met this Tuesday, making several decisions to advance the enterprise during its start-up phase. Windsor Council member Bruce Okrepkie was seated on the board, as Supervisor Susan Gorin came off. She now serves as  alternate. The Board approved the new deadline of July 9th for the cities to join … Read more

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Clean tech, climate legislation good for California’s economy

A new study shows the importance of clean tech to California’s economy. It also highlights the role California’s Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) plays in driving investment to that sector. The clean tech sector has been more resilient than the overall economy, according to the study by Economist David Roland-Holst of U.C. Berkeley. “While … Read more

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GreenBiz Forum in SF – Feb 26-28

Framed by the 2013 State of Green Business report, the 2013 GreenBiz Forum brings together thought leaders and sustainability executives to define the trends, challenges and opportunities in sustainable business today. Gain insight. The information-packed Forum coincides with the release of GreenBiz.com’s “State of Green Business 2013,” the acclaimed annual status report on corporate environmental trends and progress. Understand the … Read more

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Critical Juncture for Sonoma Clean Power

A request for proposals (RFP) will be issued in February by Sonoma County Water Agency for energy service providers to supply electric power and other services to Sonoma Clean Power. The RFP seeks to receive proposals for power supply, data management and customer and demand side services such as efficiency programs, demand response and net … Read more

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Businesses weighing in on Sonoma Clean Power

Retired banking executive Pat Kilkenny convened 45 Sonoma County business leaders at the offices of GHD engineering on October 24 to hear presentations on the economic advantages of Sonoma Clean Power.  Kilkenny invited the attendees to join Business for Sonoma Clean Power and to urge Sonoma County policy makers to create a local electricity provider … Read more

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Business groups on both sides

Last week, Mary Nichols, Chair of the California Air Resources Board, told the California Manufacturers & Technology Association, Western States Petroleum Association, and the California Chamber of Commerce: “Join the many hundreds of businesses that are investing in the fight against climate change instead of fighting AB32.” They fought the original legislation for California greenhouse … Read more