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Election day: 13 days until we keep going

The election is just 13 days away and climate protection has barely been a topic on the national stage.  This year has been the hottest ever recorded, and yet we continue to pour carbon into the atmosphere because the price of fossil fuels do not reflect their true costs – yet. Four times in the last month, the … Read more

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Electric vehicle ownership just got even better

Sonoma Clean Power has recently launched a new, $2.5 million venture to help people buy electric vehicles and install at-home charging stations.  The measure will target the largest source of pollution in Sonoma County, tailpipe emissions. Starting October 27 and through January 5, Sonoma Clean Power will offer its customers $2,500 discounts — on a first-come, first-served … Read more

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American climate attitudes, global response, and what works

The Climate Center (CCP) has operated for years on the premise that local control of energy resources is key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. This is specifically because of the uncertainty of action at the federal level as the political tables turn at election times. CCP has coupled this tactic with a … Read more

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Shift toward autonomous, connected and shared vehicles presents a crossroad

Uber’s rapid rise has been staggering and would seem to indicate a coming revolution in the way we access transportation.  According to The Economist, Uber is now worth over $1 billion, and no technology firm in history has raised more money from private investors before going public. Its investors include Saudi Arabia’s sovereign-wealth fund, mutual … Read more

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Solar: A Gateway to Innovative, Net Zero Living

What does the future of clean energy look like from the perspective of a solar installer? It’s bright, according to Jeff Mathias, co-owner of Sebastopol-based Synergy Solar Systems. For Jeff, solar is a gateway to innovation and moving customers to a net zero carbon footprint. “Any solar vendor just selling solar is doing a disservice,” … Read more

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Quiz: How well do you know the candidates’ climate views?

This could go down in the books as one of the most interesting presidential elections in history. Candidate statements on all of the issues have been quite colorful throughout this long campaign cycle. At The Climate Center, we’ve been keenly aware of the peculiar stripes that the candidates have shown with regard to climate change. How well do you know … Read more

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Carbon footprint mapping: A powerful tool for revealing climate solutions

You don’t have to be a climate nerd to appreciate a good carbon footprint map. Measuring carbon emissions is a little like counting calories and steps. Just as data collection has emerged as a winning tool for achieving better, life-saving health (think FitBit), so too can data inform species-saving strategies for the health of the planet. … Read more