
Check out The Climate Center featured in other publications in In The News

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Center’s World Changers scholars engage peers for impact

Meet the World Changers: The Climate Center’s ECO2school’s Youth Leadership Development program provides climate leadership training for Sonoma County’s high school youth. The upcoming generation have been brought up in an unsustainable high-energy-consumption lifestyle. They need a pathway away from dirty energy consumption and toward a positive future. Through our ECO2school Program, the Center supports … Read more

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The Center’s 2018 symposium on June 5th displayed CCA power and purpose

Community Choice leaders celebrate providing power with purpose

The Climate Center hosted this year’s “Business of Local Energy Symposium” in Sacramento on June 5th to discuss Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) and how to provide their customers power with purpose. That is, how to accelerate clean energy deployment, improve local programs, and navigate the extremely dynamic energy market in California going forward. More than … Read more

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The guilty tourist

Mike Turgeon participated in our first Climate Action Fellowship course last year, and helped lead our second course at the beginning of this year. by Mike Turgeon, Climate Action Fellow Truth be told, I should never get on an airplane again!  That is what my inner climate voice wants me to hear, apparently.  I recently … Read more

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The methane mystery is solved, giving direction and hope

Aerial view of fracking wells.

by Andy Ferguson A scientific mystery has been solved, giving direction and hope on the climate front. Methane is 102 times more powerful than CO2 as a cause of climate change, but because it remains in the atmosphere an average of only nine years, reducing methane emissions offers quick and tangible results for fighting climate … Read more

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AB 1745 – Clean Cars update

Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), the bill’s author, pulled it for 2018 and will reintroduce it in 2019. Said Assemblyman Ting, “If we want clean air, we need clean cars. For the sake of our health and our environment, we need to move away from gas-powered vehicles. While we won’t be able to achieve that through … Read more

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I electrified my cooking. You can too.

When I moved to Sonoma County where I live now, I brought with me a beautiful 60 year old gas stove from my childhood home in San Francisco. People often comment on it when they come into my kitchen. But, these days, even though I love to cook and do so often, I rarely use … Read more

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Designing for change: Safe pathways to school

“I learned that a long walk and calm conversation are an incredible combination if you want to build a bridge.” -Seth Godin At what stage would you feel comfortable sending your children walking or biking to school by themselves. My children are 7 and 4 years old now. We live 0.3 mile away from their … Read more