Webinar: Huge Win! Culver City says no to oil, yes to jobs

Co-hosted by Sierra Club and The Climate Center California Senator Holly Mitchell and Culver City council member Meghan Sahli-Wells, along with The Climate Center and The Sierra Club, talked about Culver City’s recent success securing a plan to phase out oil operations within 2500 feet of homes, parks, and schools– while calling for a just … Read more

Webinar: Clean, accessible transportation– we all depend on it!

Terea Macomber, Electric Vehicle Director, Grid Alternatives, and Woody Hastings, Energy Program Manager, The Climate Center discussed the challenges and opportunities in securing equitable, clean, and climate-safe transportation policies and infrastructure, with moderator, CEO Ellie Cohen. With transportation the single largest measured source of greenhouse gases in California, a rapid transition to greenhouse gas-free, equitable mobility is a key … Read more

Webinar: Soil as a climate solution

Torri Estrada, Executive Director of Carbon Cycle Institute and Wendy Millet, Ranch Director of TomKat Ranch joined moderator CEO Ellie Cohen for an inspiring conversation about the myriad benefits of carbon sequestration in farming and ranching for a climate-safe future. Torri and Wendy provided the basics of how soil carbon sequestration works, examples of regenerative agriculture successes from farms and … Read more

Community Energy Resilience Policy Summit 2020

#WomenInSolar installs in Nicaragua & Nepal by Grid Alternatives

This summit gave an overview of what the state is doing for clean energy resilience and what new policies are needed to provide access to clean and reliable power for all. Janea Scott, California Energy Commission; Genevieve Shiroma, California Public Utilities Commission; Carmen Ramirez, Mayor Pro Tem of Oxnard; Ellie Cohen, The Climate Center and … Read more

Webinar: Climate Justice – The California reality and what you can do

An active oil derrick in Signal Hill, Los Angeles. Photo by Tara Pixley.

Our guests presented on the health, economic and other consequences of our fossil fuel economy on lower-income communities and people of color, current legislative efforts, including AB 345, to reduce the disproportionate impacts on these frontline communities, and what actions we can take to secure an equitable, healthy and vibrant Climate-Safe California. Presentations: Katie Valenzuela slides (PDF) … Read more

Webinar: Community Choice Energy in Stockton

This webinar was co-hosted by Rise Stockton and The Climate Center, where the opportunities and challenges of Community Choice Energy, also known as “CCA” for Stockton will be discussed. The City of Stockton is in the process of evaluating Community Choice Energy, which is a local, not-for-profit local electricity service provider run by your own … Read more

Webinar: Energy Efficiency and Community Choice Energy – Opportunities for Fresno

This webinar, co-hosted by Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (Fresno EOC) and The Climate Center, about local weatherization and energy efficiency efforts and Community Choice Energy, the not-for-profit local electricity service option for over 11 million Californians. Fresno is in the process of evaluating this program for its residents and businesses. Founded in 1965, Fresno EOC … Read more

Webinar: Resilient Schools – Safe Communities

In collaboration with the California Solar and Storage Association Power shutoffs in 2019 disrupted the schedules of local schools across California. Increasing wildfires have threatened life and property and frequently left evacuees with nowhere to go. The COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn will only compound this crisis, hampering people’s ability to find shelter in an … Read more

Webinar: Microgrids – Backup Power for Business

Power shutoffs in 2019 cost California businesses millions of dollars. Battery storage installed for backup purposes can provide value to a business even when the grid is fully functioning.  This webinar will convene industry experts to address the following questions: What are some real-world examples of microgrids? What is possible now from a technical perspective? What is … Read more

Webinar: Community Energy Resilience and Empowering Local Communities

Frog Song solar by Laurie-Ann Barbour

Our guests will provide insights into community clean energy resilience, including clean energy microgrids, empowering local governments and communities, utility justice, and supporting California’s most vulnerable communities in the face of the dual COVID-19 and climate crises. Amee Raval has a background in research and advocacy addressing the environmental and occupational health impacts of extreme … Read more