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This is not normal

When we hear about abnormally hot weather, we think of heat waves. In Chicago in 1995, the heat index hit 120 for three days in a row, killing hundreds of elderly people. In France, thousands of people died during seven days of severe heat in 2003. Those events are awful for their destructive force, but … Read more

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California’s historic climate dividend

On November 16th the California Public Utilities Commission announced its decision on how it will handle the revenue generated by auctions in the utility sector in compliance with AB 32 the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act. The decision supports using this revenue to shield utility ratepayers from electric rates which will increase due to the … Read more

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Businesses weighing in on Sonoma Clean Power

Retired banking executive Pat Kilkenny convened 45 Sonoma County business leaders at the offices of GHD engineering on October 24 to hear presentations on the economic advantages of Sonoma Clean Power.  Kilkenny invited the attendees to join Business for Sonoma Clean Power and to urge Sonoma County policy makers to create a local electricity provider … Read more

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Sonoma County Emissions Down in 2011

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Have Fallen 14% in Three Years Santa Rosa – Sonoma County greenhouse gas emissions totaled 3.8 million tons in 2011, according to a new report by the Climate Protection Campaign. This marks a reduction of 170,000 tons from the previous year and 600,000 tons from the county’s high mark in 2008. “We might actually … Read more

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Documentary highlights Sonoma County

New Video — Documentary filmmaker Rainie Ames came to Sonoma County at the beginning of October after searching nationwide for communities that are creating their own energy and climate future. She identified Sonoma County as the top spot. This is the best validation that we are achieving what we set out to do  when we founded … Read more

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Congressional and Assembly Debates

Climate Protection Campaign’s Ann Hancock will be the moderator of candidate debates on Oct 3 in Novato.  The theme of the debates is ECONOMY – EQUITY – ENVIRONMENT. Candidates for California Assembly District 2: Michael Allen and Marc Levine Candidates for U.S. House of Representatives District 10: Jared Huffman and Dan Roberts WEDNESDAY OCT. 3, 2012 … Read more

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Blackouts Be Gone

Remember the rolling blackouts of 2001? They were frightening and really bad for the economy. This month California came dangerously close to a repeat performance. On August 10 and August 14, the company that manages the state’s electrical grid issued “Flex Alerts,” urging us to set our thermostats at 78 and wait until evening to … Read more

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Two Farms, Two Faces of Climate Change

Your 747 is going down. There are no parachutes. Do you A) run into the cockpit, push the unconscious pilot to the side, and try to save the day, or B) accumulate as many seat cushions as possible and prepare for impact? In the climate change world, Option A is reducing greenhouse gases to prevent … Read more