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Maddie Maffia joins the Center and talks climate impacts

Maddie Maffia

My name is Maddie Maffia, and I am a Sophomore at Oregon State University studying Environmental Science. This summer I have the privilege of interning in my hometown, Santa Rosa. I help The Climate Center with communications. I chose the Center because I admire its work spreading awareness and preserving the climate for generations to … Read more

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Are cities leading on climate?

Since President Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord, we have been hearing a banquet of news about how cities are leading on climate action. The Guardian recently devoted an article to showcasing New York City, Houston, Miami and San Francisco as good examples of climate leadership. According to the article, New York City has already … Read more

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Is 100% renewable energy doable?

With the publication of a study by Mark Z. Jacobson of Stanford University, the push for 100% renewables is seeing renewed fervor.  A group of U.S. Mayors just announced that they will back 100% renewable energy targets, and Senator Kevin de León recently introduced a new bill, SB100, to establish an overall state target of 100% clean … Read more

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Solar manufacturers versus installers – who wins and loses with tariffs?

solar by Stacey Meinzen

The below article by Eric Wesoff and Stephen Lacey of Greentech Media points to the tension between the solar panel manufacturing industry and the solar installation industry in the U.S. Solar installers in the U.S. benefit greatly from cheaper imported panels, while U.S. manufacturers may suffer, creating pressure to implement a tariff.  Solar costs are hitting … Read more

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Should you be cynical about CEO and politician claims to support climate action?

Protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline by Fibonacci Blue

The below article by Bill McKibben was recently featured in RollingStone. He expresses cynicism over the claims of CEOs and politicians that they support climate action.  How to tell if your reps are serious about climate change Perhaps no president in recent times has unified the country, and the globe, as effectively as Donald Trump. … Read more

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Personal stories to inspire climate policy

Do you have a personal story about climate impacts? Jane Bender, President of the Board for The Climate Center, along with a group of climate activists, has been meeting with California Senator Dianne Feinstein’s legislative aides to strategize how they can help the Senator in efforts to move good climate policy forward. The aides say that … Read more

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Can blue states help red states move faster toward renewables?

The below article by Justin Gillis and Nadja Popovich of the New York Times poses an interesting question in light of “Trump country’s” move toward wind energy: Can blue states help red states move faster toward renewables? Originally titled, “In Trump Country, renewables thrive.” Two years ago, Kansas repealed a law requiring that 20 percent of the … Read more

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U.S. Department of Energy touts producing renewables yourself

The below information is posted on the U.S. Department of Energy’s website. This message might hold appeal for conservatives who value energy independence and choice. Consumer vs. Prosumer: What’s the Difference? by Daron Christopher, US Department of Energy Learn more about the Grid Modernization Initiative Most of us have been consuming electricity from the grid the … Read more

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The Business of Local Energy Symposium – A Smashing Success

Last Friday, May 5, about 400 people including elected officials and energy professionals gathered in Long Beach for The Climate Center’s third annual Business of Local Energy symposium. Deputy Director Barry Vesser was the symposium’s architect. Co-organizers were the Local Government Commission and the Local Government Sustainability and Energy Coalition. Attendees heard 56 speakers and … Read more