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Majority of US adults believe climate change is most important issue today

By Sophie Bethune, American Psychological Association Highlights: A new study shows more than half of American adults worry about climate change. Adults who are concerned about the climate crisis are making lifestyle changes that address waste reduction, energy efficiency, flying less, and using more renewable energy The climate crisis is considered important enough to cause … Read more

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49% of world’s GDP now covered by net-zero targets, study says

By Matt Mace, edie.net Highlights: 121 nations with a collective $39 trillion in GDP have created net-zero emissions (carbon neutrality) targets in response to the 2018 IPCC 1.5C report. These nations are mobilizing to address the climate crisis 18 months after the IPCC 1.5C report was released Analysis found that only 16% of GDP was … Read more

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Antarctic temperature rises above 20C for first time on record

By Jonathan Watts, The Guardian Highlights: Seymore Island along the Antarctic Peninsula reached an all-time high temperature of nearly 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The high temperature was recorded by Terrantar, a Brazilian government project monitoring climate change impacts throughout Antarctica The increasing temperatures may be due to El Niño weather events and shifts in ocean currents … Read more

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Food waste is worse than we thought and the rich may be to blame

By Heesu Lee, Bloomberg Highlights: The world is throwing away double the amount of food than previously estimated, according to a new report by Wageningen University & Research. The worlds richest are wasting more food at home compared to their less affluent counterparts Analysis by Wageningen Economic Research suggests that people are wasting over 300 calories … Read more

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Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change

Timothy M. Lenton et al. (2008): Tipping elements in the Earth's climate system. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. February 2008, doi:10.1073/pnas.0705414105

by Carbonbrief.org Highlights While climate records are being routinely broken, the cumulative impact of these changes could also cause fundamental parts of the Earth system to change dramatically and irreversibly. These “tipping points” are thresholds where a tiny change could push a system into a completely new state. In some cases, there is evidence that … Read more

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L.A.’s Mayor launches directive to advance L.A.’s Green New Deal

Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti Credit: Global Climate Action Summit , Nikki Ritcher Photography

LAMayor.org Highlights: Mayor Eric Garcetti recently signed an Executive Directive, L.A.’s Green New Deal, which includes measures to: Promote walking, bicycling and micro-mobility with a comprehensive Citywide network of active transportation corridors, including Class IV protected bike lanes, Class I paths along regional waterways, and Class III low-stress neighborhood bike improvements.   Support Metro in the … Read more

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Presidential candidates 2020- climate and environmental rankings

Below are some resources highlighting how the presidential candidates rank on climate action and other environmental issues. Greenpeace Greenpeace tells you the stance of the candidates on climate-related issues and also provides a platform where you can contact the candidates to tell them that you care about climate action. Website>> National Resource Defense Council On … Read more

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Governor’s climate budget: one step forward, one step back

by Ellie Cohen, CEO, The Climate Center California Governor Gavin Newsom recently released his proposed climate budget of $12.5 billion over five years to boost resilience, curb greenhouse gas pollution, and tackle the wildfire crisis. Note that his entire proposed budget for next year alone is $222 billion. While we are grateful that the Governor … Read more

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British carbon tax leads to 93% drop in coal-fired electricity

by University College London, Phys.org Highlights: The carbon tax legislation, known as the Carbon Price Support, has resulted in a 93% decrease of electricity generated by coal in the UK. The tax was introduced in 2013 but the energy sector saw a vast decrease in coal dependency once the tax was increased in 2015 Coal … Read more

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California moves to tackle another big emissions source: fossil fuel use in buildings

by Justin Gerdes, Greentech Media Highlights: The California Public Utilities Commission has dedicated $45 million to heat pump water heater incentives. Around $4 million will be exclusively for low-income residents. Since 90% of heat pump water heaters and furnaces in California are powered by natural gas or propane, the heat pump water heater incentives will … Read more