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DNC climate group calls for larger federal investment on climate than Biden’s current plan

by Rachel Frazin, The Hill Highlights The Democratic National Committee Climate Council released a set of policy recommendations for a greater investment than Joe Biden’s climate plan Joe Biden’s climate plan would spend $1.7 trillion over the next decade to address climate change, whereas the Climate Council plan endorses spending $10-16 trillion over the same period … Read more

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Green infrastructure can be cheaper, more effective than dams


by Daniel Cusick, Scientific American Highlights A new report from the National Wildlife Federation and Allied World suggests that nature-based solutions to extreme weather events could save more money and result in less disaster-related damages compared to engineered projects such as dams, levees, and sea walls The use of nature-based infrastructure, such as living shorelines … Read more

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Democrats united behind a climate policy plan, but the timeline is based on old science

by David Roberts, Vox Highlights Broad alignment amongst the Democratic party on climate policy may help the left unite and fight the climate crisis  Working on policy platform with the input of people from different backgrounds, identities, and environmental experiences helped built trust The long list of Democratic presidential hopefuls had a much more expanded … Read more

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U.S. renewable energy consumption surpasses coal for the first time in over 130 years

By Mickey Francis, US Energy Information Administration Highlights In 2019, U.S. annual energy consumption from renewable sources exceeded coal consumption for the first time since before 1885, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Compared with 2018, coal consumption in the United States decreased nearly 15%, and total renewable energy consumption grew by 1%, … Read more

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Europe’s recovery plan has green strings attached

European Parliament Strasbourg

by Ewa Krukowska and Laura Millan Lombrana Highlights The European Commission unveiled a 750 billion euro economic recovery plan that incorporates climate-neutrality goals that aim to accelerate clean transportation, energy savings, and renewable energy production In order to access these funds, EU members must prove their investments are aligned with the Green Deal, Europe’s 2050 climate … Read more

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Report: Five principles for equitably managing a phase-out of extraction

by Greg Muttitt, Oil Change International Highlights A new study in the journal Climate Policy has laid out steps to a sustainable and just energy transition away from fossil fuel extraction. Wealthy countries such as Canada, the United States, and Norway are using funds to bail out their oil industries while less fortunate countries must … Read more

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Global warming to push billions outside climate range that has sustained society for 6,000 years, study finds

By Andrew Freedman, The Washington Post Highlights Humans have been living inside a “climate niche,” thriving in a certain temperature threshold. Evidence shows that as the earth warms every one degree Celsius, billions of people must migrate or adapt to the new climate.  Humans have been living in a particular constrained climate, around an annual … Read more

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California virus war slams into its other crisis: wildfires

By David R Baker and Mark Chediak, Bloomberg Green Highlights Social distancing and stay at home mandates have made preparing for wildfire season harder, limiting tree trimming, controlled burns, and powerline maintenance. Though California may suffer another severe fire season, the U.S. Forest Service has suspended in-person training for firefighters In the State budget Governor … Read more