Business Network Breakfast: Strategies for Removing Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere


California has just set some of the most ambitious targets in the world for natural carbon removal. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tells us that, in addition to rapidly cutting emissions, we must remove about a trillion tons of carbon from the atmosphere by the end of the century to stay below … Read more

| Blog Post

California announces first-of-their-kind nature-based climate targets

California recently announced ambitious, nation-leading targets for nature-based climate solutions. These new targets were established per AB 1757, signed into law in 2022 thanks to The Climate Center’s collaborative leadership and all of you who took action in support! Over the next 20 years, the state will work to transform more than half of its … Read more

| Take Action

Tell California leaders to introduce a bond for climate solutions

The climate bond will protect clean air investments and thriving nature in California. Photo via Canva.

Facing a multi-billion-dollar budget deficit, California is about to walk back critical investments in a climate-safe future. The best pathway we have to protecting climate resilience programs across the state is to introduce a robust, equitable climate bond on November’s ballot. We must act at the speed and scale the climate crisis demands, which means … Read more

| Press Release

With revised budget, Governor Newsom cuts climate investments but protects fossil fuel subsidies

SACRAMENTO — Moments ago, Governor Newsom revealed key details of his May budget revision to be released next week, cementing his intentions to cut billions of dollars from programs designed to clean the air and reduce climate pollution. Despite a multibillion-dollar deficit, the governor is yet to respond to advocates’ calls to eliminate all tax … Read more

| Press Release

Budget cuts threaten California’s progress on natural climate solutions

Farmworker in California's Central Valley. Photo by Canva.

SACRAMENTO — On Monday, the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) released a new set of targets for nature-based climate solutions as required by AB 1757 (C. Garcia and R. Rivas, 2022). While the new targets should help California sequester more carbon on our natural and working lands than we emit, they mean little without state … Read more

| Blog Post

What We Learned at COP28: California Can and Must Do More on Climate

The Climate Center's Marc Victoria, Baani Behniwal, and Barry Vesser at COP28

Last November, The Climate Center’s Barry Vesser, Baani Behniwal, and Marc Victoria traveled to Dubai, United Arab Emirates for COP28 — the UN’s annual climate conference — to help coordinate the California delegation. With a record attendance of 84,000 people from 193 countries, this COP was massive. You may be wondering why The Climate Center, … Read more

California Climate Lobby Day 2024

Sacramento, CA

On March 20 2024, the day after the California Climate Policy Summit, The Climate Center and our partners led a day of advocacy at state legislative offices. This was an opportunity to meet directly with lawmakers and their staff to deliver a clear and compelling message about the bills we want to see California pass … Read more

| Press Release

COP28 fails to deliver fossil fuel phaseout plan, so California must

Baani Behniwal and Barry Vesser Dubai COP28

SAN FRANCISCO — COP28, the annual United Nations climate conference, has come to a close. While UN officials call the agreement reached the “beginning of the end” of fossil fuels, it still falls well short of what science says is necessary to limit global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as defined by the Paris Agreement.  In … Read more

Harnessing the Power of Nature in Achieving 1.5 C

Pathways to 1.5 Pavillion (The Climate Registry); Blue Zone

Protecting 30 percent of the world’s lands and waters by 2030 (30×30) to prevent biodiversity loss is often viewed as a conservation-focused goal. But nature-based solutions and efforts to achieve 30×30 have the potential to contribute significantly to broader climate objectives.  This conversation examined the relationship between nature and climate, drawing from real-world examples and … Read more

COP 28 Official Side Event: Natural carbon sequestration — Leveraging soils for mitigation, storage, and biodiversity benefits

Side Events 1, B7, Building 79, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai

The Climate Center and the British Society of Soil Science presented at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28) on the important role that soil plays in the fight against the climate crisis. From increased water efficiency and food security to the ability to draw down carbon, increasing the health of our soils comes … Read more