| Press Release

California’s new five-year climate plan relies on fantasy levels of engineered carbon removal — The Climate Center response

It's Time to Cut Carbon

SAN FRANCISCO — Moments ago, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) released its final Scoping Plan, the state’s five-year roadmap for achieving its climate goals. After months of consultation with climate experts and advocates, as well as intervention from Governor Newsom, the plan reflects some significant improvements. These include a commitment to avoid the buildout … Read more

| Press Release

Deceptive, billionaire-funded campaign kills California’s Prop 30

Electric Vehicles Charging at a Station

SAN FRANCISCO, November 9, 2022 — Prop 30, the only statewide climate measure on the California ballot this year, failed to pass. As of this morning, the margin is 59-41 with nearly half the votes counted. A misleading opposition campaign funded largely by billionaires distracted from the true intent of Prop 30: to make clean … Read more

| Blog Post

A new website for The Climate Center, built with you in mind

To change everything, it takes everyone

‘To change everything, it takes everyone.’ I remember hearing and seeing this phrase everywhere during the first half of my career in climate advocacy, starting with the People’s Climate March in 2014.  Nearly a decade later, it’s still true. Big, systemic changes require people power. But for all we know about what needs to be … Read more

| Blog Post

Stockton City Council votes unanimously for Community Choice Aggregation

Stockton City Council Meeting

On Tuesday, September 13, the Stockton City Council voted unanimously to join the East Bay Community Energy Community Choice Aggregation joint powers authority. “I’ve been working on this goal since 2016 because I recognize that Community Choice Energy offers opportunities not only to increase consumer choice and strengthen the Stockton economy, but to also address the climate … Read more

| Press Release

Governor Newsom signs California’s natural climate solutions bill AB 1757 into law

The Climate Center CEO Ellie Cohen and Governor Gavin Newsom

VALLEJO, California — Moments ago, Governor Newsom signed AB 1757 (C. Garcia and Rivas) into law. The new law requires state agencies to set targets for natural carbon removal and emissions reductions on natural and working lands, based on earlier legislation (AB 2649, C. Garcia) sponsored by The Climate Center with the Carbon Cycle Institute, California Association … Read more

| Press Release

California legislative session ends with breakthroughs on climate

Climate Rally in Sacramento

SACRAMENTO — On the final day to pass legislation in 2022, California state lawmakers went late into the night to deliver historic policies that will reduce climate pollution and protect frontline communities.  In response, The Climate Center CEO Ellie Cohen said: “California has the tools and know-how to lead the world toward a climate-safe future. … Read more

| Blog Post

5 climate priorities as California’s legislative session wraps up for 2022

Climate Rally in Sacramento Last Chance Alliance

With less than two weeks left in the legislative session for this year, Governor Newsom has released a set of game-changing climate proposals. His draft climate package includes a more ambitious goal for reducing climate pollution by 2030, public health setbacks from dangerous oil and gas drilling, and a commitment to nature-based carbon sequestration.  This is great … Read more

| Press Release

An alternative to keeping the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open: Clean, decentralized energy

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

UPDATE August 24, 2022: Late last week, members of the California State Assembly circulated an alternative proposal for avoiding power outages that would avert the need for extending the life of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. The Climate Center strongly supports the majority of this proposal and recommends state leaders prioritize investment in clean, distributed energy to address the … Read more

| Press Release

AB 2649 held in Senate, but natural carbon removal remains on Newsom’s priority list

SACRAMENTO, August 11, 2022 — Earlier today, the Natural Carbon Sequestration and Resilience Act (AB 2649, C. Garcia) failed to advance out of the California State Senate Appropriations Committee. AB 2649 aimed to set California’s first-ever statutory targets for naturally removing past climate pollution from the atmosphere through soil and vegetation on natural, urban, and … Read more