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Global financial giants swear off funding Canadian tar sands

By Christopher Flavelle, The New York Times Highlights: Due to pressure from shareholders and environmental activists, financial institutions and insurance companies are no longer investing in oil production taking place in Alberta, Canada. Though divestment promises have been made, oil extraction from the province increased last year Local Canadian banks and pension funds are still … Read more

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Divest and Invest for a climate-safe future

by Stacey Meinzen, The Climate Center Follow the money, divest from fossil fuels and invest in a healthy, climate-safe future for all. It’s a win-win for our collective future and for your pocketbook (see additional info here). Chevron just posted $6.6 billion in losses for its fourth-quarter earnings due to troubles with shale gas and bankruptcies are multiplying for the … Read more

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The biggest sustainability funds are beating the market

by Mathieu Benhamou, Emily Chasan and Saijel Kishan, Bloomberg Highlights: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Funds are gaining popularity as sustainability-focused investing becomes the new trend. Big funders are focused on investing in companies that tackle energy efficiency and minimize environmental impact Tech, healthcare, and financial services companies are some of the top ESG funds, as their … Read more

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Want to do something about climate change? Follow the money

Divest from Fossil Fuel

by Lennox Yearwood Jr. and Bill McKibben, NY Times Highlights: JPMorgan Chase is among the worst companies to aid the rapid warming of the earth by lending billions to gas and oil companies. “Wells Fargo lent over $151 billion, Citibank lent over $129 billion and Bank of America lent over $106 billion” and “JPMorgan Chase … Read more

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Psst, your California Climate Credit is increasing – and so is your potential dividends donation

Karen Barnes enjoying her increased climate credit

By Mike Sandler, Cofounder of The Climate Center Psst, you’re getting money back from a carbon price.  The California Climate Credit is one of the best kept secrets in the world of climate policy.  It was created in 2014 by the California Public Utilities Commission to return revenues from the State’s Cap & Trade program back to … Read more