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Report warns climate change could become ‘catastrophic’ global, national security threat

by Rebecca Klar, The Hill Highlights In a report released by the National Security, Military and Intelligence Panel of the Center of Climate and Security, a nonpartisan security policy institute, national security and intelligence experts warn that climate change could become a “catastrophic” threat to security and recommended quick action to be taken to mitigate … Read more

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How to deliver speed and scale greenhouse gas reductions

climate activists

by Ann Hancock, Chief Strategist and Co-founder, The Climate Center Imagine that we tackle the climate crisis in a way that actually turns things around fast. Averting climate disaster depends on the climate movement becoming much more powerful and effective, and this depends on climate advocates and leaders aligning and collaborating around an overarching strategy. … Read more

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Presidential candidates 2020- climate and environmental rankings

Below are some resources highlighting how the presidential candidates rank on climate action and other environmental issues. Greenpeace Greenpeace tells you the stance of the candidates on climate-related issues and also provides a platform where you can contact the candidates to tell them that you care about climate action. Website>> National Resource Defense Council On … Read more

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Governor’s climate budget: one step forward, one step back

Governor Gavin Newsom recently released his proposed state budget for the fiscal year 2020-21 and it includes some important line items for decarbonization and climate resilience. The governor has proposed $12.5 billion over five years to boost climate resilience, curb greenhouse gas pollution, and tackle the climate change-driven wildfire crisis. The total California state proposed … Read more

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New Jersey executive order leverages land use rules to control where and what developers can build

Gov. Philip D. Murphy, a Democrat from New Jersey, (New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen) found on https://www.flickr.com/photos/njnationalguard/44910726671

by Tracey Tully, The New York Times Highlights: A New Jersey democrat has introduced legislation that requires new building projects to account for climate resiliency and mitigating environmental impacts such as GHG emissions in order to receive government approval The state is currently experiencing sinking, accelerated sea-level rise, and flooding along its 130-mile coastline The … Read more

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Are Republicans Politically Vulnerable on Climate Change?

by Barry Vesser |  August 28, 2015 The EPA’s recently-released Clean Power Plan has been taking a lot of flak from the Right. Although this is unsurprising, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s vehement opposition contradicts the values of most Americans and is not rooted in traditional conservative values or Republican political strengths. In the past, … Read more