Track 1: Community Energy Resilience
Panel 1: Grid for the Future slides (PDF)
- Lorenzo Kristov, Independent Consultant
- Allie Detrio, Microgrid Resources Coalition and Reimagine Power
Panel 2: Distributed Energy Technology Solutions slides (PDF)
- Allan Schurr, Enchanted Rock
- Adam Simpson, Mainspring Energy
- Ardi Arian, Renewable America
- Peter Asmus, AutoGrid
Panel 3: Project Development in Frontline Communities slides (PDF)
- Shina Robinson, Asian Pacific Environmental Network
- Katrina Leni-Konig, California Energy Commission
- Matt Roberts, Blue Planet Energy
Track 2: Phase Out Fossil Fuel & Sustainable Mobility
Panel 1: Oil and Gas Extraction slides (PDF)
- Monica Embrey, National Energy Campaigns at Sierra Club
- Juan Flores, Center for Race Poverty & Environment
- Kyle Ferrar, FracTracker Alliance
Panel 2: Petroleum Refining
- Connie Cho, Communities for Better Environment
- Marisol Cantú, Richmond Listening Project slides (PDF)
Panel 3: Sustainable Mobility
- Craig Segall, CARB, Mobile Sources & Incentives
- Chris Chavez, Coalition for Clean Air slides (PDF)
- Laura Deehan, Environment California slides (PDF)
Track 3: Natural Carbon Sequestration Breakout
Panel 1: What is the benefit: An overview of natural carbon sequestration slides (PDF)
- Tim LaSalle, California State University, Chico
- Ariel Lew Ai Le Whitson, TreePeople
- Jean Okuye, Okuye Farms
Panel 2: How will we scale up: Policy support for accelerated natural carbon sequestration
- Arohi Sharma, Natural Resources Defense Council
- Kim Guo, Better World Group
- Torri Estrada, Carbon Cycle Institute
Panel 3: How are we going to pay for it: Enlisting private sector support for multi-benefit of natural climate solutions
- Newsha Ajami, Lawrence Berkeley Lab
- Zach Knight, Blue Forest slides
Track 4: Finance, Accountability, Carbon Capture & Storage
Panel 1: Budget & Financing slides (PDF)
- Shereen D’Souza – CalEPA
- Emily Schwimmer, AECOM
- Glyn Milburn. Ygrene Energy Fund
Panel 2: Carbon Capture and Storage: Current California Legislation slides (PDF)
- Roberto Reichard, Zero Emissions Advisors
- Diane Doucette, Project 2030
- Ryan McCarthy, Weideman Group
Panel 3: Corporate Responsibility
- State Senator Scott Wiener
- Miriam Eide, Fossil Free CA
- Christopher Soriano, student activist
- Sim Bilal, student activist