Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.


AB 421 (Bryan) The Referendum Accountability Act of 2023

Status: Enacted
Capitol Building in Sacramento

Existing law requires a state or local initiative, referendum, or recall petition to contain specified language advising the public of its right to ask whether the person circulating the petition is a paid signature gatherer or a volunteer and requires specified language to be printed across the top of each page of a referendum. Existing … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 1267 (Ting) Gasoline Superusers Incentives

Status: Held in Committee

Existing law generally designates the State Air Resources Board (ARB) as the state agency with the primary responsibility for the control of vehicular air pollution. Existing law establishes various incentive programs that are administered or funded by the state board to provide financial assistance for the purchase of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by individuals, including, among … Read more

Support if amended

SB 308 (Becker) Carbon Dioxide Removal Market Development Act

Status: Held in Committee, Two-Year Bill
California State Capitol by Andre m

Existing law, The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Act) establishes the State Air Resources Board (ARB) as the state agency responsible for monitoring and regulating sources emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs). The Act requires the ARB to approve a statewide GHG limit equivalent to the statewide GHG level in 1990 to be achieved by … Read more


SB 755 (Becker) California’s Layered Energy Applications for Residents (CLEAR) Act of 2023

Status: Held in Committee
Year: 2023

Existing law vests the California Energy Commission (CEC) with various responsibilities for developing and implementing the state’s energy policies and requires the development and implementation of various energy efficiency programs in the state, to be administered by certain state agencies including the Public Utilities Commission and the Department of Community Services and Development. This bill, … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 593 (Haney) Carbon emission reduction strategy in the building sector

Status: Held in Committee

Existing law requires the California Energy Commission, by January 1, 2021, to assess the potential for the state to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the state’s residential and commercial building stock by at least 40% below 1990 levels by January 1, 2030. Existing law requires the CEC to include in the 2021 … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 68 (Ward) Prohibiting housing development on climate risk lands

Status: Two-Year Bill
The ruins of vehicles and property on August 22, 2021 near Wofford Heights, California

Existing law, the Planning and Zoning Law, authorizes a development proponent to submit an application for a multifamily housing development that is subject to a streamlined, ministerial approval process, as provided, and not subject to a conditional use permit, if the development satisfies specified objective planning standards. This bill would require a local government to … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 80 (Addis) West Coast Offshore Wind Science Entity

Status: Held in Committee
Year: 2023
Transmission lines by Canva

As amended: Existing law establishes the Ocean Protection Council (OPC) in state government to, among other things, establish policies to coordinate the collection, evaluation, and sharing of scientific data related to coastal and ocean resources among agencies. This bill would require the council, upon an appropriation by the Legislature, to establish and oversee, in coordination … Read more


AB 1195 (Calderon) Climate Change Preparedness, Resiliency, and Jobs for Communities Program

Status: Held in Committee

Existing law establishes the Transformative Climate Communities Program, to be administered by the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), and requires the program to fund the development and implementation of neighborhood-level transformative climate community plans that include multiple, coordinated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction projects that provide local economic, environmental, and health benefits to disadvantaged communities identified … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 3 (Zbur) Offshore wind energy planning

Status: Enacted
Year: 2023
Transmission lines by Canva

Existing law: This bill would: Full bill text and related information. Bill Author

Opposed by The Climate Center

AB 65 (Mathis) Small nuclear reactors

Status: Failed in Committee

Existing law prohibits the California Energy Commission (CEC) from certifying a nuclear fission thermal powerplant, except for specified powerplants, and provides that a nuclear fission thermal powerplant, except those specified powerplants, is not a permitted land use in California, unless certain conditions are met regarding the existence of technology for the construction and operation of … Read more