
AB 1195 (Calderon) Climate Change Preparedness, Resiliency, and Jobs for Communities Program

Existing law establishes the Transformative Climate Communities Program, to be administered by the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), and requires the program to fund the development and implementation of neighborhood-level transformative climate community plans that include multiple, coordinated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction projects that provide local economic, environmental, and health benefits to disadvantaged communities identified by the California Environmental Protection Agency. Existing law requires the SGC to award competitive grants to eligible entities through an application process and to develop guidelines and selection criteria for plan development and implementation of the program.

This bill would:

  • Establish the Climate Change Preparedness, Resiliency, and Jobs for Communities Program, to be administered by the SGC;
  • Require the SGC to fund grants to develop and implement multi-benefit, community-level, climate-beneficial projects to support community and landscape resiliency and workforce development;
  • Require the SGC to award competitive grants to eligible entities through an application process;
  • Require the SGC, on or before July 1, 2024, to develop guidelines to implement the program and criteria to select projects eligible for grant funding that include, at a minimum, specified information related to community resiliency grants, landscape resiliency grants, and climate and career pathways grants.

Committee Location: Held in Appropriations Committee May 18.

Full bill text and related information.

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