
Check out The Climate Center featured in other publications in In The News

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Part of California’s power outage solution is sitting in half a million driveways

Last week, when PG&E shut off power to almost one million customers, many of us were left without heat, refrigeration, internet, light, and other essential functions for days. While some people fired up gas and diesel generators to bridge the power gap, these fossil fuel generators are no treat for neighbors with asthma and other … Read more

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Opinion: Microgrids could prevent need for planned power outages

Community microgrids are safe, reliable, clean, smart, and distributed.

Our aging and unstable electrical system must be replaced now, not decades from now This piece was originally published in the Mercury News opinion section on October 25, 2019. (Subscription required.) The dramatic increase in the size and severity of California’s wildfires in recent years is just one example of the devastating effects of climate … Read more

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These three circular economy principles can help combat the climate crisis

45% of global emissions come from making things, everyday products like cars and clothes, and managing land Only a systems-level approach will enable us to achieve the 1.5 ̊C target by 2050 while building greater resilience to climate change. Energy lies at the core of efforts to address climate change. Worldwide, the electricity, heat and … Read more

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Energy resilient communities through distributed, clean, smart and local microgrids (Advanced Community Energy or ACE)

by Kurt Johnson, The Climate Center (read full article on our website here) As climate-related disruptions grow more frequent and severe, we urgently need effective local strategies to achieve decarbonization, resilience, social equity and security. The common basis for all these goals is to create local electric systems — carbon-free, safe, resilient and accessible to … Read more

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The Climate Center’s youth demand real action– climate policy for rapid decarbonization

Youth speak at the Climate Strike in Santa Rosa on September 20, 2019

Over four million of us demonstrated across the world on September 20th. School strikers, unions, businesses, teachers, scientists, celebrities, and religious organizations took to the streets. Hearing the call to action from Greta Thunberg, people united across time zones and cultures to fight the fossil fuel industry for our future. While we might all expect … Read more

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Public health, climate impacts, and The Climate Center’s new campaign

The Climate Center speakers Amanda Begley and Destiny Rodriguez

As the nexus between public health and climate impacts comes into sharp focus, public health officers are convening to share their challenges and strategies for addressing the climate crisis. On September 26th at the Westin Sacramento, the Health Officer Association of California (HOAC) met for their bi-annual gathering to discuss climate change as a public … Read more