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Campaign Organizes Tour of the Geysers

Thanks to our partners at Calpine, last week the Campaign loaded up a bus with local elected officials, business sponsors and colleagues and took the windy road up to the Geysers. The Geysers is the world’s single largest geothermal resource for electrical generation and supplies 25% of California’s renewable energy. Calpine Corporation owns and operates … Read more

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Dynamic Ridesharing Program to Revitalize Car Pooling

Last week the Press Democrat ran an editorial about declining car pooling. For the complete editorial> Alan Strachan, an advisor to the Campaign, responded with a letter to the editor. Strachan points out that “The Metropolitan Transportation Commission recently chose to fund a collaboration between the Sonoma County Transportation Authority and the Climate Protection Campaign … Read more

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Scientific American endorses Cap & Dividend

“Opponents of proposals to cap carbon emissions argue that such measures would be a drag on the economy. But action on climate change is simple prudence. Doing nothing carries risks that outweigh the cost of phasing out emissions. Politicians should accept that calculation because the science that supports it is strong. They should also consider … Read more

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Local Climate Programming – KRCB

Energy, the environment, and the economy are all part of the leadership dialogs presented by Climate One at The Commonwealth Club on KRCB Public Television 22 and KRCB FM Radio 91 in February. Climate One brings together top thinkers and achievers from business, government, academia, and advocacy groups to advance the discussion about a clean … Read more

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Obama on Energy

The focus of President Obama’s State of the Union address was keeping America competitive (see articles below on China). About clean energy he said, “…we’ve begun to reinvent our energy policy. We’re not just handing out money. We’re issuing a challenge. We’re telling America’s scientists and engineers that if they assemble teams of the best … Read more

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Global Action: The Big Push

Climate Protection Campaign is the fiscal sponsor for Mary Ellen Harte’s climate messaging project. Here is a recent article she wrote with her husband in the Huffington Post. “What if there was an affordable plan to improve America’s health, wealth, and national security? Not only America’s, but the world’s. A dream, you say? You bet … Read more

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Is Coal a “Dead Man Walking?”

Washington Post ran an article recently, “Coal’s burnout: Have investors moved on to cleaner energy sources?” by Steven Mufsons: “The headline news for the coal industry in 2010 was what didn’t happen: Construction did not begin on a single new coal-fired power plant in the United States for the second straight year…This in a nation … Read more

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Cold weather, lots of snow and climate change?!

Climate vs Weather: It’s easy to confuse current weather events with long-term climate trends, and hard to understand the difference between weather and climate. It’s a bit like being at the beach, trying to figure out if the tide is rising or falling just by watching individual waves roll in and out. The slow change … Read more

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Cancun Climate Talks Conclude

UN talks in Cancun reached a deal to curb climate change, including a fund to help developing countries. By 2020 the $100 billion Green Climate Fund is intended to protect poor nations against climate impacts and assist them with low-carbon development. Although all countries present, except Bolivia, agreed that deeper cuts in carbon emissions are … Read more