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Solar power for $20

As I was taking my laundry off the line on Sunday, I felt a rush from that special smell of sun dried clothing. No toxic fabric softener can duplicate it. I also remembered hearing that this Friday is National Hanging Out Day, when we are all supposed to hang our clothes on the line and … Read more

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Tales from Antarctica – June 15

Sune Tamm is a specialist in extreme wilderness survival. He has guided expeditions of scientists across more than a thousand miles of Antarctica. Climate scientist Carl Mears is a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as one of the world’s foremost experts on temperature data. They will share photos and stories of Antarctica … Read more

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Bike to Work Day – After-Party – May 9

Save the Date – May 9 – Bike to Work Day – After-Party Thursday May 9th is Bike to Work Day. The Trek Bicycle Store, the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition, and the Climate Protection Campaign will host an after-party starting at 5:00 pm at Trek’s parking lot on the corner of Mendocino and Seventh Streets, downtown Santa Rosa. The fabulous Hubbub Club will … Read more

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Windsor Efficiency PAYS® program receives national award

I’m happy to announce that the Windsor Efficiency PAYS® program received national recognition for its exceptional program that saves both energy and water. The Program of Promise award came from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy and the Alliance for Water Efficiency. The two organizations collaborated to recognize 12 leading programs across the US, … Read more

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Our Man In Washington

Climate Protection Campaign co-founder Mike Sandler brought this big climate dividend check to the Forward on Climate Rally in Washington DC.  The “Big Div” shows how revenues from a carbon fee on upstream polluters can be returned back to households. A recent proposal by Senators Boxer and Sanders would include 60% of revenues returned as … Read more

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Money from Cap & Trade is headed your way

By Mike Sandler and Barry Vesser Published in the Press Democrat 2/13/12 In his inauguration speech, President Obama called for a response to climate change. While commendable that he put climate change back on the political agenda, he forgot the two most important words: carbon price. A carbon price will encourage businesses to make low-carbon … Read more

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Carbon Free Water Tour – April 11

Sonoma County Water Agency is hosting a tour of energy and sustainability they have developed in an effort to deliver carbon-free water by 2015. The tour will include solar panels, ground source and pond loop geoexchange heating and cooling systems, electric vehicle charging stations and the Hybrid and Plug in Hybrid Electrical fleet, and the … Read more

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Solar arrays are not farms

As the Renewable Energy Implementation Manager for the Climate Protection Campaign, you might think I support installing solar panels anywhere, any time, any way. The reality is that there are better and worse places to locate renewables, including solar. A recent article in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat describes a trend in large-scale energy development … Read more

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Another Important Legislative Victory for Community Choice Energy

A two-year struggle to defeat an insidious piece of legislation in Sacramento, Assembly Bill 976, has come to a happy conclusion. On September 27 Governor Brown vetoed AB976 and added a brief signing statement (see below). In this statement the Governor echoed what community choice proponents drove home repeatedly in committee hearings and elsewhere. The … Read more