We recommend sending this letter to all the commissioners at the CPUC and copying the governors office, if you have or are planning a solar installation. Addresses and email addresses are below.
February 2014
President Michael R. Peevey
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102
Pres. Peevey,
I am writing to oppose the proposed change by Pacific Gas & Electric to limit eligibility for the A-6 rate. In their general rate case application, PG&E proposes to restrict the rate to customers with a maximum demand of 75 kW, rather than the 499 kW limit in place today.
My business invested in solar X years ago as a way to both save money and contribute to the state’s efforts to address environmental problems…
A-6 is a solar-friendly rate that was part of my decision to invest in solar generation. I would not have invested in solar had I not concluded that a rate similar to A-6 would be available well into the future.
The decision to go solar was not easy, but I am proud to be adding to the generating capabilities of the state. Since expanding solar power in California has been a high priority of the state, I expect to be able to continue on a rate schedule that values my contribution.
Forcing me onto the A-10 or E-19 rate schedule would significantly change my investment outlook. I ask that you respect my investment and reject this request from PG&E.
Your Name
Cc: Governor Jerry Brown
Commissioner Michel Peter Florio
Commissioner Catherine J.K. Sandoval
Commissioner Michael Picker
Commissioner Carla J. Peterman
Douglas M. Long, Administrative Law Judge
Addresses of other commissioners are the same as Michael Peevey’s
Douglas M Long
California Public Utilities Commission
Room 5021
505 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102
Office of Gov. Jerry Brown
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
Catherine Sandoval –
Mike Florio –
Michael Peevey –
Carla Peterman –
ALJ Long –
Gov Brown: