| Take Action

Call your state legislators to support SB 233 and help California avoid power outages

Updated September 6, 2023. On Friday, September 1, 2023, the Assembly Appropriations Committee amended SB 233 to remove the core of the bill: mandating that all electric passenger vehicles and school buses sold in California by model year 2030 have bidirectional capability. In response, bill author Senator Nancy Skinner has decided to make SB 233 … Read more

| Report

Hydrogen Policy Brief

Guidance for policymakers on the production, delivery, and applications of renewable energy-based electrolytic hydrogen

The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report states that 100 percent renewable energy systems will likely need to include hydrogen. However, the hydrogen debate — based on efficiency costs, climate pollution, health and safety, and environmental impacts — is complex and has ebbed and flowed over the past several decades. The reality is that hydrogen is neither … Read more

| Press Release

California lawmakers approve $6 billion in cuts to climate and energy programs

SACRAMENTO — Today, the California state legislature voted to approve a 2023-2024 budget that cuts $6 billion from the state’s planned investments in climate and clean energy. The cuts represent an 11 percent overall reduction in California’s investments in a climate-safe future. In response, Nicole Rivera, Government Affairs Director for The Climate Center, said: “California’s … Read more

Cleantech Business for a Climate-Safe Future

Solar technician measuring

This webinar explored how businesses and entrepreneurs are already contributing to climate solutions and their role in accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy. The panel included a high-tech, energy efficiency service company, a business using energy analytics to help Community Choice Agencies reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and a collaboration between the solar company … Read more

| Press Release

Bill for reliable, clean energy using electric vehicle batteries passes out of Senate Appropriations Committee

Smith electric school bus

SACRAMENTO — Today, SB 233 advanced out of the California Senate Appropriations Committee. Introduced by Senator Nancy Skinner and co-sponsored by The Climate Center, Nuvve, and the Union of Concerned Scientists, the bill will require most new electric vehicles (EVs) sold in California to have bidirectional charging capability by 2030 (amended from 2027). Bidirectional charging … Read more

| Press Release

Governor Newsom follows through on $6 billion cut to climate investments in California budget – The Climate Center response

SACRAMENTO — Facing a projected overall budget deficit of $31.5 billion, Governor Gavin Newsom announced today that he intends to follow through on his January proposal to cut $6 billion from climate and energy programs in California’s 2023-2024 budget. If approved by the legislature, that would bring California’s multi-year climate spending down to $48 billion, an … Read more

| Take Action

California leaders must hold the line on climate investments

Photo by Tessa Richardson.

The 2023-2024 California state budget is nearly final! After an initial draft budget that included $6 billion in cuts to climate investments, action from people like you convinced Governor Newsom and state lawmakers to restore funding for several key climate and energy programs. Thank you to everyone who took action! While we appreciate the reinstatement … Read more

| Blog Post

Testimony: Resilient, reliable, and clean energy using EV batteries

On April 25, 2023, SB 233, introduced by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) and sponsored by The Climate Center, advanced out of the Senate Transportation Committee. The bill aims to unlock the potential for California’s millions of electric vehicles to power homes during outages, lower energy bills for Californians, and make the whole electricity grid more reliable. … Read more

| Blog Post

Testimony: California can leverage electric vehicles to keep the lights on

On April 18, 2023, SB 233, introduced by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) and sponsored by The Climate Center, advanced out of the Senate Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee. The bill aims to unlock the potential for California’s millions of electric vehicles to power homes during outages, lower energy bills for Californians, and make the whole … Read more

| Blog Post

Welcome remarks from the 2023 California Climate Policy Summit

Welcome to the 2023 California Climate Policy Summit!  Thank you for being here today. It is inspiring to see so many climate activists and leaders from across the state — from environmental and environmental justice organizations, from local government, from the faith and healthcare communities, from business and labor — welcome! Thank you for being … Read more