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Clean Coal: More of a Money Pit than an Energy Source

“Piles of Dirty Secrets behind a Model ‘Clean Coal’ Project”  |  by Ian Urbina, New York Times This is a great exposé by the New York Times on how a clean coal project in Mississippi has cost investors, rate payers, and taxpayers $6.4 billion. And it is still not even close to being operational. Remember … Read more

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InterSolar 2016 was Stellar

On July 12 & 13, I attended the InterSolar solar industry conference and exhibition, held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. InterSolar is one of the largest annual solar industry conferences in North America. My reasons for attending were varied, but I was primarily motivated by my desire to measure the general ‘vibe’ of … Read more

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Where do Presidential Candidates Clinton and Trump Stand on Climate and Energy?

The future of our economy and the stability of the biosphere depend on addressing climate change. It is therefore important that voters find out where candidates for the highest office stand on this issue. Donald Trump In March, Trump told the Washington Post editorial board “I am not a great believer in man-made climate change.” … Read more

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The (energy) Times are A-Changin’

When I was growing up in the 70’s, natural gas was touted as the “clean energy.” Electricity was the evil, dirty energy. This is a paradigm I’ve been living for decades. But things are different now and I still find myself being surprised by what seems such a swift change in the energy landscape. Just 15 … Read more

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Sunday Driver

by Geoffrey Smith, CCP It was a beautiful Sunday. I, however, was stuck in my Santa Rosa home with a torn meniscus, unable to engage in my preferred recreational activities: taking a hike in the woods or going for a bike ride. To make matters worse, my wife was out of town visiting family. I admit, I was feeling … Read more

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Let’s bring down the heat

The Climate Center, with your increased support in 2016, will make a bigger impact on the climate crisis, sooner. We will: Help more than 80 California cities and counties provide cleaner, locally controlled energy this year. California’s leaders know it’s a good idea and are looking for help to implement this change. The Climate Center … Read more

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What’s up with Yosemite’s Trees?

Many of us have our special place in nature that we turn to find peace, to remind ourselves of the profound beauty of our planet, or to connect ourselves to something larger – to a spiritual or emotional depth that we don’t find in our day-to-day lives. For me as a child it was a … Read more

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Bhutan on Your Bucket List?

Carbon-offsetting journey to benefit The Climate Center: Board member Larry Robinson is offering an intimate and unique tour of Bhutan, the last Buddhist kingdom in the Himalayas and the world’s only carbon negative country. Larry is organizing this trip for just fifteen lucky travelers as a benefit for The Climate Center. The experience takes place … Read more

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No escaping the climate crisis, even in paradise (especially in paradise)

Punta Cana, a resort area at the eastern tip of the Dominican Republic, is an over-the-top paradise of white sand, palm trees, turquoise seas, and 24/7 whatever-you-desire, all-inclusive vacation deals. That’s where my wife, our family, and I recently spent five days. While there, we discovered a harsh reality that hides in plain sight in … Read more