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New York is spending $1 billion to help residents conserve energy — and lower their bills

by Angely Mercado, Grist  Highlights As people shelter-in-place due to the ongoing pandemic, utility bills are rising as the summer heat intensifies  The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the state’s investor-owned utilities are working to provide clean and energy-efficient solutions to more than 350,000 low-to-moderate income households  These services would include … Read more

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How local energy providers are ensuring energy resilience

Solar Installation

by Sarah Golden, GreenBiz Highlights California’s Community Choice Agencies (CCAs) are providing ratepayers with energy resilience programs for the upcoming fire season Four Northern California CCAs, East Bay Community Energy, MCE (Marin Community Energy), Peninsula Clean Energy, and Silicon Valley Clean Energy, have recently announced solar plus battery storage projects in their territories  CCAs have … Read more

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Let’s secure equitable access to resilient clean energy

#WomenInSolar installs in Nicaragua & Nepal by Grid Alternatives

The Climate Center’s Community Energy Resilience Policy Summit will address equitable approaches to clean energy resilience programs.  August 5, 2020, 9 AM – 12 PM. As awareness of systemic poverty and racism grows, government policies and programs beyond police force budgets and protocols are also getting attention. The media is shining light on toxic oil … Read more

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Building decarbonization cuts pollution and boosts the economy. Here’s how state regulators can accelerate both.

Rooftop PV installation on the Forest County Potawatomi Tribe administration building

by Silvio Marcacci, Forbes Highlights Existing buildings and their components are difficult to replace and therefore are difficult to decarbonize Residential and commercial buildings in the United States account for 1 billion metric tons of emissions annually Electrification now reduces greenhouse gas emissions in 46 out of 48 states It is cost-effective to build out all-electric … Read more

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‘We essentially cook ourselves’ if we don’t fix air conditioning, major UN report warns

by Dharna Noor, Gizmodo Highlights A new report from the United Nations shows that 460 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions could be avoided worldwide by switching to energy-efficient, climate-safe air conditioning There are 3.6 billion cooling appliances, including refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioning units in use around the globe Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), chemicals that were … Read more

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Congressional climate strategy includes microgrids and climate justice

Last week, Democrats on the US House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis issued a report, “Solving the Climate Crisis, “ which provides an emissions reduction policy framework which seeks to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Here’s a link to a summary article from Vox about the report.  One of the recommendations in the report is … Read more

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The rise of leaky wells and taxpayer liabilities

Fracking rig operates next to a walking and bike way for residents of Signal Hill drilling into the Los Angeles Oil Field. Photo by Sarah Craig.

A rapidly growing movement is underway in California to call out Governor Gavin Newsom for ramping up approval of fracking and drilling permits. This comes at a time when the effects of fossil fuel pollution on public health is of grave concern and many oil and gas companies may abandon leaky wells because of bankruptcy with falling demand for their products.

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The plan meant to unite Biden and Bernie voters on climate is here

by Emily Pontecorvo, Grist Highlights After Senator Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination, he joined forces with Former Vice President Joe Biden to create a climate task force Other members of the task force included Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sunrise Movement co-founder Varshini Prakash, and Catherine Flowers, the founder of the … Read more