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State and federal funding available to build resilience for California communities

Frontline, working-class communities across California endure greater harm from climate-fueled extreme weather events than wealthier communities. For example, they typically have fewer trees providing shade during heat waves and fewer resources to evacuate in the event of extreme rain or flooding. State and federal funds are crucial for enhancing preparedness, response, and resilience in frontline … Read more

California’s Community Choice Agencies Celebrate Success


Across California, 24 Community Choice Agencies provide clean power to more than 14 million customers. Community Choice Agencies are local, not-for-profit government agencies that empower communities to purchase electrical power on behalf of their residents. In this webinar, we celebrated the successes of California’s Community Choice Agencies and Sonoma Clean Power’s tenth anniversary. Sonoma Clean … Read more

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Millions of dollars available for community energy resilience projects in California

Climate-fueled extreme weather events, including extreme heat and atmospheric rivers, are causing more and more power outages across California. State leaders must invest in clean, resilient energy solutions, starting in frontline communities.  Despite proposed cuts to the state’s climate budget, millions of dollars are already allocated to fund resilience initiatives across California, including community resilience … Read more

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Opening remarks from the California Climate Policy Summit 2024

The Climate Center CEO Ellie Cohen opens the third annual California Climate Policy Summit. Photo by Lara Aburamadan / Survival Media Agency.

On March 19, 2024, The Climate Center convened more than 350 climate activists, environmental justice advocates, state decision-makers, elected officials, business leaders, scientists, and policy experts for the third annual California Climate Policy Summit. Thank you to everyone who joined us! Together, we’ll continue building support for climate policy commensurate with what science demands. Read … Read more

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All-electric buildings aren’t only for the rich

Decarbonizing existing residential buildings is critical to meeting state and global climate goals. Today, buildings in California are responsible for 25 percent of our total annual greenhouse gas emissions. To have a chance at staying below 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming, California must cut building emissions by almost 70 percent over the next six years.  … Read more

How to Fund Community Energy Resilience Projects

Rooftop solar installation

A record-setting amount of state and federal funding is available right now to support community energy resilience projects in low-income and disadvantaged communities. Such projects include rooftop solar that can provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy for all. In this webinar, a panel of experts discussed opportunities and challenges of securing funding through the Inflation … Read more

Business Network Breakfast: The State of California’s Solar Industry and Future Opportunities for Decarbonization


As The Climate Center ramps up for another legislative session in California, we invite our Business Network members to join us for an update on our policy priorities. We are honored to welcome Allie Detrio, CEO and Founder of ReimaginePower, a firm focused on strategy and advocacy for microgrids and other local energy resources. Allie … Read more

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Soaring utility bills slam working-class Californians

Californians recently got slapped with yet another electricity rate hike. PG&E is blaming the hike on the cost of burying 1,200 miles of power lines to prevent wildfires. California has some of the highest energy costs in the country and electricity rates here have nearly doubled over the past decade, with almost one-third of California … Read more

California Climate Lobby Day 2024

Sacramento, CA

On March 20 2024, the day after the California Climate Policy Summit, The Climate Center and our partners led a day of advocacy at state legislative offices. This was an opportunity to meet directly with lawmakers and their staff to deliver a clear and compelling message about the bills we want to see California pass … Read more

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Batteries are booming

Person charging EV

Batteries that store clean energy to power both buildings and vehicles are rapidly changing the energy landscape. In the first half of 2023, 68 gas-fired power plant projects were put on hold or canceled because they are simply no longer needed —  giant batteries that store solar and wind energy are now cheaper to build … Read more