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Meet ECO2school All-Star Jade Wilson

Jade Wilson is a junior at Windsor High School and one of the leaders helping put on the ECO2school challenge this April.  Jade is one busy student!  She is an AP student; a member of the Eco Club and the Interact Club; an integral member of WHS’s Leadership class; and captain of the JV soccer … Read more

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Bike to Work Day – After-Party – May 9

Save the Date – May 9 – Bike to Work Day – After-Party Thursday May 9th is Bike to Work Day. The Trek Bicycle Store, the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition, and the Climate Protection Campaign will host an after-party starting at 5:00 pm at Trek’s parking lot on the corner of Mendocino and Seventh Streets, downtown Santa Rosa. The fabulous Hubbub Club will … Read more

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Carbon Free Water Tour – April 11

Sonoma County Water Agency is hosting a tour of energy and sustainability they have developed in an effort to deliver carbon-free water by 2015. The tour will include solar panels, ground source and pond loop geoexchange heating and cooling systems, electric vehicle charging stations and the Hybrid and Plug in Hybrid Electrical fleet, and the … Read more

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The Promise and Reality of Electric Vehicles – April 2

Rafael Reyes, Executive Director of Bay Area Climate Collaborative, will moderate a panel of experts discussing how innovations in EV technology (including batteries, charging stations and design) can point the way to continuing mobility while offering new options for large scale solutions to energy storage. Join Acterra for a series of exciting conversations focused on … Read more

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Another Important Legislative Victory for Community Choice Energy

A two-year struggle to defeat an insidious piece of legislation in Sacramento, Assembly Bill 976, has come to a happy conclusion. On September 27 Governor Brown vetoed AB976 and added a brief signing statement (see below). In this statement the Governor echoed what community choice proponents drove home repeatedly in committee hearings and elsewhere. The … Read more

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GreenBiz Forum in SF – Feb 26-28

Framed by the 2013 State of Green Business report, the 2013 GreenBiz Forum brings together thought leaders and sustainability executives to define the trends, challenges and opportunities in sustainable business today. Gain insight. The information-packed Forum coincides with the release of GreenBiz.com’s “State of Green Business 2013,” the acclaimed annual status report on corporate environmental trends and progress. Understand the … Read more

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County creates new power authority

Santa Rosa – The Board of the Sonoma County Water Agency and the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors today created a joint powers authority to oversee Sonoma Clean Power, a proposed local program to buy and generate electricity for residents and businesses.

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California’s historic climate dividend

On November 16th the California Public Utilities Commission announced its decision on how it will handle the revenue generated by auctions in the utility sector in compliance with AB 32 the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act. The decision supports using this revenue to shield utility ratepayers from electric rates which will increase due to the … Read more