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Campaign’s Dr. Mears Responds to Lomborg’s Environmental Skepticism

From Press Democrat 11/26/10: “As a member of the scientific community devoted to studying the climate crisis, I would like to call out the nonsense in Bjorn Lomborg’s opinion piece. Let’s be very clear: We have to stop polluting our atmosphere with too much greenhouse gas now. After decades of rigorous study of the evidence, … Read more

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Senate Hearing Exposes Obstruction to Community Power

On November 9th, Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) held a hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Renewable Energy in San Rafael. The purpose of the hearing was to gather testimony on the status and obstacles of Community Choice Aggregation (CCA). CCA allows communities to procure greener electricity than is offered by private utilities such … Read more

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We Beat Prop 23, Now Let’s Make AB 32 Strong

We trounced oil companies that attacked California’s climate and energy law, winning 61 % to 39 %. Now we must strengthen AB32. California’s Air Resources Board on Dec. 16 will vote on staff’s recommendations for implementation. Although many of their recommendations are sound, others would mean big giveaways to industry – paid for by Californians … Read more

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Factory Farms or Grass-raised Animals – 10/14/10

Oct 14th at 7 PM at the Jackson Theater a panel of experts will explore “Factory Farms or Grass-raised Animals?” Dan Imhoff, who has a new book, CAFO: The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories will speak about the business and agricultural practices of CAFOs and lead the panel discussion on local alternatives to factory raised … Read more

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Climate e-News – Do Something

Stop Prop 23 Join the opposition to Prop 23. Over 30 cities including Los Angeles and Sacramento, hundreds of business leaders, and many public officials to oppose Proposition 23, the deceptively titled “California Jobs Initiative.” A whopping 97% of funds come from the oil industry, with most from two large out-of-state oil companies, Valero and … Read more

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Using Incentives, Analy Students Achieve 21% Reduction in Single Passenger Commutes

Using Incentives, Analy Students Achieve 21% Reduction in Single Passenger Commutes The AP Statistics class at Analy High School participated in a year-long project with the Climate Protection Campaign’s Cool Schools program to understand the greenhouse gas impact of student drivers at their school. For three weeks this spring the class developed an initiative to … Read more

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Youth Energy Summit

September 21 from 4-6 pm in the Analy High School Auditorium there will be a Youth Energy Summit, followed by a reception in the school garden with food and networking opportunities from 6-7 pm. Featured speaker: Alec Loorz, high school student, who has spoken at venues across the country regarding climate change and youth involvement. … Read more

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Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben: Three Steps to Establish a Politics of Global Warming “Try to fit these facts together: 1) According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the planet has just come through the warmest decade, the warmest 12 months, the warmest six months, and the warmest April, May, and June on record. 2) A ‘staggering’ … Read more