Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

SB 1322: Petroleum pricing

Status: Enacted

SB 1322 (Allen) Requires operators of refineries in the state to report to the California Energy Commission the volume of crude oil refined into gasoline in the prior month, the average price paid for each barrel of crude oil that is refined into gasoline in the prior month, and the gross and net refining margins per … Read more

SB 1382: Clean Cars 4 All Program – zero emissions vehicle exemption

Status: Enacted

SB 1382 (Gonzalez/Becker) Would require the implementing regulations for the Clean Cars 4 All Program to additionally ensure that the state air resources board coordinates with local air districts and local nonprofit and community organizations to identify barriers to accessing the Clean Cars 4 All Program and to develop outreach protocols and metrics to assess the … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

SCR 53: Climate change

Status: Enacted

SCR 53 (McGuire, et al) – Declares that a climate emergency threatens the state, the nation, the planet, the natural world, and all of humanity. Read The Climate Center’s SUPPORT LETTER. STATUS: “Chaptered by Secretary of State. Res. Chapter 119, Statutes of 2022.”

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 1482: Building standards – electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 1482 (Allen) Would require mandatory new building standards for the installation of EV charging infrastructure for parking spaces in multifamily dwellings to include specific technical and signage requirements. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses August 31; Returned by the Governor without his signature.

Opposed by The Climate Center

AB 2667: Distributed energy resources – incentives

Status: Failed in Committee

AB 2667 (Friedman) Until recently this was a bill that The Climate Center supported. It was hijacked by the utilities and is now a bad bill. They inserted harmful amendments that would deter communities and customers from building their own clean microgrids. The amendment language would set a terrible precedent and harm efforts by local governments … Read more

Opposed by The Climate Center

SB 1101: Carbon sequestration – Geologic Carbon Sequestration Group

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 1101 (Caballero) Would require the Air Resources Board to establish a Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Program to accelerate the development of new technologies to capture and sequester carbon dioxide emissions from industrial and commercial facilities. It further specifies that free “pore space” (the tiny but cumulatively voluminous spaces underground between soil or mineral grains) … Read more

Opposed by The Climate Center

SB 1410: California Environmental Quality Act – transportation impacts

Status: Failed in Committee

SB 1410 (Caballero) This bill would dismantle the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) methodology for analyzing transportation impacts under CEQA pursuant to SB 743 (2013). Read the coalition Letter of Opposition. STATUS: FAILED: Held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee August 11.

No position

AB 353: Oil Trust Fund

Status: Enacted

AB 353 (O’Donnell) Existing law establishes the Oil Trust Fund in the State Treasury to finance the costs of well abandonment, pipeline removal, facility removal, remediation, and other costs associated with removal of oil and gas facilities from the Long Beach tidelands. This bill allows for increases in the fund. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of … Read more

No position

AB 1322: California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 – aviation greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan

Status: Vetoed by Governor

AB 1322 (R. Rivas) A bill that requires the Air Resources Board to develop a plan to expand use of so-called “sustainable” aviation fuels. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses August 31; Vetoed by the Governor 9/30/22. Veto statement: To the Members of the California State Assembly:  I am returning Assembly Bill 1322 without my signature. This bill … Read more

Supported by The Climate Center

AB 1445: Regional housing need allocation – climate change impacts

Status: Enacted
California State Capitol by Andre m

AB 1445 (Levine) This bill adds the impacts of climate change such as sea level rise and wildfire escape routes to the list of factors in local government general plans and used to develop the methodology for regional housing needs. STATUS: APPROVED by both houses August 30; Signed by the Governor’s Sept. 30, 2022.