Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

SB 905: Carbon Capture, Removal, Utilization, and Storage Program

Status: Enacted

SB 905 (Skinner) Would require the Air Resources Board to establish a Carbon Capture, Removal, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) program to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and viability of CCUS technologies and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. The bill would also require the state board to prioritize reducing the emissions of greenhouses gases and reducing fossil fuel … Read more

SB 1010: Air pollution – state vehicle fleet

Status: Enacted

SB 1010 (Skinner) Sets goals for transition to zero emission vehicles in the state’s fleet. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

SB 1075: Green hydrogen – emissions of greenhouse gases

Status: Enacted

SB 1075 (Skinner) A bill that supports the deployment, development, and use of electrolytic hydrogen. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

SB 1109: California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program – bioenergy projects

Status: Enacted

SB 1109 (Caballero) This bill would extend to December 31, 2023, electrical corporations’ obligation to collectively procure their proportionate share of 125 megawatts of cumulative rated generating capacity from existing bioenergy projects commencing operation before June 1, 2013, through financial commitments of 5 to 15 years, inclusive. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30 — SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

SB 1145: California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: greenhouse gas emissions

Status: Enacted

SB 1145 (Laird) Requires the Air Resources Board to create, and maintain on its website, a greenhouse gas emissions dashboard that provides updated publicly available information regarding how the state is progressing toward meeting its statewide climate change goals. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses August 31; SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 1158: Retail electricity suppliers – emissions of greenhouse gases

Status: Enacted

SB 1158 (Becker) This bill would do several things related to load serving entities, including CCAs, and their integrated resource plans and greenhouse gas emissions reporting. read The Climate Center’s Letter of Support. STATUS: APPROVED in the both houses August 31. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

SB 1203: Net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases – state agency operations

Status: Enacted

SB 1203 (Becker) Would require that state agencies “aim” to achieve zero net emissions of greenhouse gases resulting from their operations no later than January 1, 2035. Read the author’s factsheet. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

SB 1205: Water rights

Status: Enacted

SB 1205 (Allen) SB 1205 will mandate the development of regulations that govern climate change considerations in water availability analyses for water rights permits. STATUS: Approved in both houses August 31. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

SB 1230: Zero-emission and near-zero-emission vehicle incentive programs

Status: Enacted

SB 1230 (Limón) Aimed at simplifying the application process for zero-emission and near-zero emission vehicle incentive programs. Read the author’s factsheet. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 1251: Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development – Zero-Emission Vehicle Equity Advocate

Status: Enacted

SB 1251 (Gonzalez) This bill would establish the Office of the Zero-Emission Vehicle Equity Advocate in the Governor’s office to steer the development of a shared, cross-agency definition of equity, and to set an equity agenda for the deployment of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles, the supporting infrastructure, and workforce development. Read the author’s factsheet. Read … Read more