Keep tabs on climate and energy legislation in California and urge your representatives to take action for a climate-safe future.

AB 2316: Customer renewable energy subscription programs and the community renewable energy program.

Status: Enacted

AB 2316 (Ward) A “community” solar bill sponsored by the Coalition for Community Solar Access. This bill requires the CPUC, on or before July 1, 2023, to establish the Community Renewable Energy Program to authorize a distribution customers of IOUs to subscribe to, and receive bill credits resulting from, the electricity generated by a community renewable energy … Read more

AB 2420: Perinatal and infant children health – extreme heat

Status: Enacted

AB 2420 (Arambula) Requires the Department of Public Health to review literature on the adverse effects of extreme heat on perinatal health, and develop guidance and recommend best practices for safe conditions and health considerations for pregnant individuals and infants regarding extreme heat. STATUS: APPROVED by both houses; Senate amendments concurred in August 25; SIGNED by the Governor on … Read more

AB 2446: Embodied carbon emissions – construction materials

Status: Enacted

AB 2446 (Holden) Requires the California Energy Commission to develop a framework for measuring and reducing the carbon intensity of the construction of new buildings by 80% by 2045. STATUS: APPROVED in the legislature. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

AB 2700: Transportation electrification – electrical distribution grid upgrades

Status: Enacted

AB 2700 (McCarty) Requires IOUs to use all available data to project future electric vehicle (EV) charging requirements to ensure that their distribution systems are upgraded at the times and locations necessary to support the level of EV charging anticipated by various state goals, regulations, and regional plans. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses as of August 30; SIGNED by … Read more

SB 154: Budget Act of 2022

Status: Enacted

SB 154 (Skinner) Budget bill. Makes appropriations for the support of state government for the 2022–23 fiscal year. STATUS: APPROVED by the legislature and SIGNED by the Governor at the end of June 2022.

SB 379: The Solar Access Act

Status: Enacted

SB 379 (Wiener) The Solar Access Act requires California cities to provide online, instant solar permitting to streamline remote approvals. STATUS: APPROVED by both houses as of August 23, SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

SB 529: Electrical transmission facilities

Status: Enacted

SB 529 (Hertzberg) Gut & amend as of June,16 2022, was related to central procurement, now a transmission infrastructure bill. No longer relevant to CCAs. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses August 31. SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.

Supported by The Climate Center

SB 852 (Dodd) Climate resilience districts

Status: Enacted

SB 852 (Dodd) This bill would authorize a city, county, city and county, special district, or a combination of any of those entities to form a climate resilience district for the purposes of raising and allocating funding for eligible projects and the operating expenses of eligible projects. It would define “eligible project” to mean projects that … Read more

SB 887: Electricity transmission facility planning

Status: Enacted

SB 887 (Becker, Stern) Would expedite new electric transmission lines for renewable energy. STATUS: APPROVED in both houses on August 29; SIGNED by the Governor on September 16.